I'd like to monitor the WAN side of my WNDR3700v2 with snort. I can think of 3 ways:
1. Install snort on the WNDR and have desktop monitor WNDR's syslog for snort warnings. (WNDR processor intensive?)
2. Install tcpdump on the WNDR; raw dump output to a socket; monitor and interpret that socket with snort on the desktop. (lots of raw data over the encrypted wireless LAN)
3. Splice a read-only cable into the connection between modem and WNDR; connect that cable to a second NIC on the desktop and run a separate instance of snort to monitor that second NIC. (no load on the WNDR; desktop has plenty of oats)
I'd like to avoid number 3, as it'll require me to physically locate the desktop near the modem.
Is anyone doing something along the lines of 1 or 2; if so, comments please. Is it satisfactory? I'm running the basic hnyman1 software, and expect to add openvpn to the WNDR.