I know a Firewall is a Firewall and should not be used as a server, BUT the routers with BCM47x2 are so cheap and use only a few power, that it would be fun to run some programs, scripts on them and add several devices and sensores to the I/O ports. (Ok maybe I will use one box as Firewall and one as server). So I'm looking for the box wicht have the most memory and I/Os for the money!
Which boxes has BCM4712 (8/32MB) and have or could be added
- 2x RS232
- 1x RS232 1xLPT
- 1x RS232 1xUSB
- 1x LPT 1x USB
- 2x USB
Are more then 2 I/Os possible?
BTW for less then 10 Euros you can buy an USB to RS232 converter ( e.g.)
Does a terminal on USB (via USB to RS232 or directly USB) helps when a FW update had faild?
-When using a BCM4712 with ssh, which shells are possible? Bash?
-seriell Displays for $6 … egory.4/.f
-"240x64 Interactive Serial LCD Terminal" for $29: … id.1210/.f
-Any good links,ideas to add 1-wire/2-wire/3-wire senors (temperatur,......) to the box?
-Any good scips/ideas for BT (via USB)? like connecting the Doorbell and dooropener - automaticaly door-opener wenn ringing "- . - -" and the Mobile BT is in range?
-Is the Flash/RAM on chip or on board? Is it possibel to solder more memory to the system like an 8 MB upgrade for PalmIII?
-Any solutions for "boot on time"`? Circuit layout to add a small IC to do this?
-Is it possible to swich off by software? Any hardware solutions?
-Is it possible to have a hardware hack to power on when a device on Ethernet is powerd on? (I know power on lan with magic packests will not work *g* so it must be a hardware hack)
-Would it possible to run (voip sever) on a BCM4712?
-Cheap VoIP solutions with a BCM4712? Converter to analog Phone? USB audio headset and $29 terminal?
-Anyone using a BCM4712 as Internetradio (audio out USB audio)?
-Any good ideas to use this SSH1 client on a J2ME mobile:
? (BTW this cool software is the reason why I whan't to have a cheap server
So back to my mayor question - what modell is offers the best/most I/O (which) original/by-hack for having the most fun for the money?