1. held the reset button at boot ( router ) the blue light starts to flash on off quickly
2. Telnet to the box at . No DHCP, so you need to manually configure your PC to the or other IP at that subnet.
3. Get a "squash-sysupgrade.bin" from the snapshot or the formal backfire in future. Get a nc (netcat) for your PC. I prefer Linux because my virus scanner does not like the Windows "nc".
nc is working i have a firmware on c:\rw.bin
4. At PC: cat c:\rw.bin | nc -l 2001 i am not sure how to check for open ports but i tested man ports
i get the following error.
Cmd line: cat c:\wr.bin | nc -l 2001
cat: forward host lookup failed: h_errno 11004: NO_DATA"
or if i use this command line it looks like this
C:\nc>nc cat wr.bin | nc -l 2323
local listen fuxored: INVAL
cat: forward host lookup failed: h_errno 11004: NO_DATA
i am able to telnet and all so i've done something right. anyone has any ideas?
(Last edited by faramisimo on 21 Oct 2011, 00:13)