I would like to solder one or two serial ports to the WGT634U.
I know that it's possible with MAXIM 232? as described in http://gallery.nomis52.net/albums/album48/interface.png
My problem is that I only have MAXIM MAX3222CPN chips and I would like to know how to use those.
Pinout of the chip is described here: http://www.avocetsystems.com/chipdir/pi … 222cpn.txt
I found some instructions how to build RS port with but WGT634U does not have RTS and CTS signals described in the picture of the circuit, how should I connect those? Just not connect?
Circuit: http://www.waz.org.uk/gamedev/pics/dccircuit01.gif
Can I use only one MAX 3222CPN chip to build both serial ports, using connectors T1IN, T1OUT, R1IN and R1OUT for the first serial port and connectors T2IN, T2OUT, R2IN and R2OUT for the second one?