First: I'm sorry for my bad English.
I would set up QoS but there is a lack of information. So i've read a lot:
[*]HFSC original paper and the deferences with the linux implementation (separation of RT / LS / UL)
[*]RED, SFQ, FIFO, ...
[*]ATM overhead
[*]IPtables tutorial
my question are:
[*] What are deference between the leaf classes bulk , priority, normal and express?
[*] What are service curves (RT, LS and UL) applied to each leaf class and what are the service curves (LS) applied to each inner class?
[*] Is the ATM-overhead calculated?
[*] Which leaf queues are uses (RED / SFQ / FIFO,...)?
[*] Which Qdiscs are used for ingress en egress? HFSC or HTB or both?
now i'm going to read the source code but i've already seen there are not a lot of comments in the source code.