OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TL-WR1043ND v1.8 Modem Access

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am trying to achieve modem access through my TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND v1.8 running Backfire 10.03.1-RC6. My computer OS is Windows 7.

The TL-WR1043ND's IP is and my modem's IP is I had no issues with Gargoyle which automatically detected the modem to allow access but wifi stability was lacking so I'm trying OpenWRT.

I have tried following the Accessing your modem HOWTO but I don't understand how to use uCi or LuCi if possible to set IP Aliases.

Is uCi like command prompt allowing low level access?

Is there any way to allow modem access from LuCi to simplify matters?

I have very little experience with Linux.

I don't know about modem access but rc6 had a bug on my WR1043ND. Wireless connection dropped after awhile and I needed to restart the router to get online again. I used the snapshot instead and it works OK now for a week.

Keep in mind that snapshots does not come with the web interface installed. You need to telnet into your modem and set the root password with passwd. Then you need to ssh into the modem as the root user and install LuCI.

(Last edited by tapir on 7 Dec 2011, 08:24)

Check your firewall rule, i had no problem accessing modem after firmware upgrade from the beginning.

Set your wan port as a dhcp client and let your modem do the dhcp server.

By default Openwrt will occupy 192.168.1.x network and dont touch it, change your modem default network from 192.168.1.x to another one.

(Last edited by xopal on 8 Dec 2011, 05:47)

I've changed the password and have SSH'ed into the TL-WR1043ND using Putty but I'm unsure how to go about making changes using UCI. It doesn't seem straight forward at all.

I've tried looking for guides on UCI but it all still isn't obvious to me.

From the wiki's first step how do you "Head towards /etc/config/network and add these lines"?

(Last edited by kingnick on 11 Dec 2011, 18:34)

Well the wiki assumes that you know the basic principles of a Linux command line. If it tells you to "add" or "change" something in a file it implies that you should use a text editor to add the outlined changes. The default text editor is "vi", so read up on that.

jow wrote:

Well the wiki assumes that you know the basic principles of a Linux command line. If it tells you to "add" or "change" something in a file it implies that you should use a text editor to add the outlined changes.

I guessed as much. Part of the reason I flashed to OpenWRT was to get more experience with Linux even if it was just embedded Linux.

jow wrote:

The default text editor is "vi", so read up on that.

Thanks for the tip, will do.

I tried using the Luci GUI modem access guide from the recently update Accessing your modem HOWTO but when I enter !modem into the restrict masquerading to given destination subnets I get invalid message.

Any ideas?

Also it looks like the GUI modem access guide doesn't work for PPoE (only DHCP)?

The discussion might have continued from here.