OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: DnsMasq and Wildcard / Catch all

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello at all,

just a little question.
I would like to use openwrt for a small web-based project.
The idea is to use a "wildcard" or "catch-all" in the DNS - so every webpage the user requests is being resolved to the routers ip and the user gets the content of the webserver of the router. The idea behind is to make is as simple as possible for the user to access the Webpages on the router. So even a "" or "" should be resolved to the local IP of the router.

So - how to do that?

I have done some research - is it possible with the


records of dnsmasq? Do I have to make an entry for every TLD like this:

Does that work ? Is there a easier / better way ?

Thanks in advance,

The discussion might have continued from here.