OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Howto Per-IP statistics with collectd

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


Is it possible to have per-IP traffic statistics using rrdtools and collectd? I have "rath" in network and I want find it! smile

I have Ubiqiti Routestation pro and newest stable openwrt.

Thanks for all help!

Hello. Yes, you can.
Look for IPTables plugin and Netlink plugin.

Both can do the job, using different approaches.
The iptables way would be easier in my opinion, you can do it putting the IPs in different custom chains, or mark them with a different marks, then create graphics based on the chain (this plugin does just that)
With Netlink plugin, you may setup a different class (with tc) for a specified IP and create graphics for that class. Anyway in order to classify the packets intended for/from this IP, you would have to use again iptables, or tc filter (which is much harder according to me).

Just decide which one will suit better to your needs.

(Last edited by dir2cas on 3 Jan 2012, 12:18)

Hello and thanks!

I'm newby little bit, can you give me some exaple?

Thanks again..

The discussion might have continued from here.