OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: BattleMeshV5

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

The BattleMesh organizers have announced the 'Battle of the Mesh version 5', which will be held in Athens, Greece. BattleMesh is a technical tournament with an overwhelming social character. If you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist, or have an interest in mesh networks you might find this gathering highly interesting. This event is an opportunity to meet developers from the most popular open source mesh protocol implementations, such as B.A.T.M.A.N, OLSR, Babel, BMX and L3 and L2.

The BattleMeshV5 will be held in Athens, Greece from the 26th of March until 1th of April. The testing / hacking / talks will take place in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). A large room that can accommodate 100 persons has been reserved for the BattleMesh participants. To this comes space for workshops, hacking sessions and a long list of social activities.

There is further organized a BattleMeshV5 Warmup which will be held during the weekend of 23rd - 25th of March in the mountain village of Sarantaporo. Sarantaporo is a small mountain village, situated at an altitude of 840m, opposite Olympus mountain, in the prefecture of Larisa, not far from Athens. It’s permanent population is about 900 inhabitants and their main activities are agriculture, farming and surfing the web!

Further information can be found on the BattleMeshV5 website:

The OpenWrt developers

I wish I had read this earlier. Can't believe I missed this living in Athens.

Informative post, thanks for sharing.
Great post

(Last edited by kayadownload on 15 Nov 2016, 15:54)

Uhm, a new user replying to a very old post with a seemingly irrelevant link.

Unless it's already obvious to you, suggest NOT clicking this link

The discussion might have continued from here.