Well once its working I do not plan to manually update unless its absolutely essential, its too much hassle.
Hopefully it will get on your nerves enough too so you get the automatic updater written.
It is already on my nerves Has been since release 3 or 4 when I moved my machine over to btrfs and figured out how to do an in-place upgrade.
I actually just ran through the process again this evening. Decided it was time to upgrade my live version now that the QoS stuff and a number of other items were taken care of with your help. Managed to figure out why my one wifi card was having troubles: PCI riser card jumpers were wrong and won't allow some card combinations. Took 4 hours of fiddling to get wifi online but only 20 minutes to upgrade . I will be situating my router over the next few days and a bi-weekly automated build going. Once those two things are complete I'm planning on starting in on the in-place upgrade work. You'll want to keep an eye on the thread for updated builds though. There may be some fixes if I find any broken items (uhttpd + ssl seems broken but I'm not 100% sure).
If you're interested below are links to some pics I took of my setup. The only difference is I ended up having to swap the NIC in the picture for a Soekris lan1602 card (the one in the pic won't work with the wifi adapter.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9bz3q9m1ttefd … 10355..jpg
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0s6lcellvw5d … 90894..jpg