I've compiled the firmware from source, and now I'va that insalled:
root@OpenWrt:~# ipkg list_installed|grep "iptables"
iptables - 1.3.3-1 - The netfilter firewalling software for IPv4
iptables-mod-extra - 1.3.3-1 - Other extra Iptables (IPv4) extensions
iptables-mod-nat - 1.3.3-1 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for different NAT targets
root@OpenWrt:~# ipkg list_installed|grep "kmod"
kmod-brcm-wl - 2.4.30-brcm-3 -
kmod-diag - 2.4.30-brcm-3 -
kmod-ipt-extra - 2.4.30-brcm-2 - Other extra Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules
kmod-ipt-nat - 2.4.30-brcm-2 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for different NAT targets
kmod-ipt-nat-extra - 2.4.30-brcm-2 - Extra Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for special protocols
kmod-ppp - 2.4.30-brcm-3 -
kmod-pppoe - 2.4.30-brcm-3 -
kmod-switch - 2.4.30-brcm-1 -
kmod-wlcompat - 2.4.30-brcm-3 - Compatibility module for using the Wireless Extension with broadcom's wl
I have to load any modules to use conntrack_rtsp or install other packages?
I add also to add this rule?
iptables -A FORWARD -i $WAN -s -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
Because I already have a rule like that:
iptables -A FORWARD -i $WAN -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
and I already accept all forward traffic from lan.
A lsmod give me that:
Module Size Used by Tainted: P
switch-robo 4444 0 (unused)
switch-core 4896 0 [switch-robo]
ip_conntrack_tftp 1728 0 (unused)
ip_nat_snmp_basic 8928 0 (unused)
ip_nat_pptp 2428 0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_pptp 2956 1
ip_nat_proto_gre 1536 0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_proto_gre 2440 0 [ip_nat_pptp ip_conntrack_pptp]
ip_conntrack_amanda 1232 0 (unused)
wlcompat 14896 0 (unused)
ipt_limit 880 1
ipt_LOG 3888 0 (unused)
wl 423640 0 (unused)
diag 2720 0 (unused)
So I don't have any conntrack_rtsp module loaded :-(.
I didn't apply the rtsp patch because ritalman told me that it was included now in openwrt source.
the Freebox Multiposte didn't work :-(.
This is my debug error in vlc:
livedotcom debug: RTP subsession 'video/MP2T'
main debug: thread 4172 (stream out) created at priority 1 (src/input/demux.c:335)
main debug: using access_demux module "livedotcom"
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='ts' path=''
main debug: `rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/205' successfully opened
livedotcom warning: no data received in 10s. Switching to TCP
livedotcom debug: RTP subsession 'video/MP2T'
livedotcom error: PLAY failed No RTSP session is currently in progress
livedotcom error: TCP rollover failed, aborting
Thanks :-)
(Last edited by thierry_b on 9 Feb 2006, 01:04)