Does anybody here have it's WRT54G(S) acting as a VPN server, and what performance can I expect?
I read an article in the German and Dutch magazine C't. They mentioned the 125MHz or even 200MHz versions can not act as a VPN server over 54Mbps and is slow on lower speeds.
I only have G models, not GS models, but I recently did some pretty heavy testing of openvpn using 128bit AES between them, and got decent results. I posted them on the IRC chennel, but don't have them here in front of me.
I need to flash another 1/2 dozen routers this week, and when I have a few up and running, I'll come back here and post the results.
I seem to recall that, when using a 100mb/s ethernet link and openvpn on my laptop to openvpn on the WRT54G, I was getting about 4.5 mb/s over a single thread, one direction. Changing it to bidirectional gave me about 2.5 mb/s each direction.
when I used 4 threads simultaneously, bidirectional, the throughput was less than 480kb/s per thread. For me, these results are acceptable.
John Gorkos