OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: internet modem->dir825->Netgearwndr4500 is this going to work

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

i have a bridged modem/router that is supplied via isp to this i currently have a netgear 4500 router attached all is fine.
But I would like to put my openwrt DIR825 in between and turn off the dhcp and some other services on the net-gear router and let this and other stuff to be handled by the DIR825. ie trun the Net gear in to a expensive switch for wireless and local hosts.
netgear will have ipadd
dir825 will have
reserved ipadd for hosts and various gadgets,4,5,6,101

I will not be using the wireless on the dir825 it is much slower then the netgear and i have plenty of coverage.

Is this logical and will it work?

well It worked but i am having issues setting up static leases.... see above Luci just keeps restarting ";stok= … twork/dhcp"
I also cant seem to reach Luci though the netgear wifi? internet and other services work fine though
it seams that https was the error every thing is working fine.
i removed the Wlan devices as they are not needed but feel free to recommend useful packages.

(Last edited by dmdelorme on 15 May 2012, 03:34)

The discussion might have continued from here.