A few months ago, I hurt my WRT board a little while opening it, partially ripping off a capacitor and a 5 leads component. Then stupidly tried to fix it with a cheap 25W soldering iron and its burned tip. Oh, and a little glue to keep them in place firmly...
That was my first time at SMD rework and it didn't left me with a good impression.
As you can (or cannot) see on the (blurry) photo below, the result was not as expected. Since then, no radio interface showed up and I was left with an expensive wired router.
Now that I own a hot air rework station and all, I'd like to train my skills.
It seems to me that the battlefield I wasted is the alimentation of the radio part of the router, located just under the Faraday shield.
Could someone which has already tinkered his/her way in a similar version of the board put a name on the U8 chip, please? The part is burned and inscription are unreadable here.
Last but not least, capacitors C82 and mostly C106 may have been damaged, do you know roughly their values?
Thanks in advance for your help.