OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: how to set a default password for root to build into the firmware.

The content of this topic has been archived on 8 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

software: backfire 10.03+ Xwrt

Right now,when the firstboot after flash the firmware, i have to first open a web UI to set a password for the user "root", after that,i could use SSH to login the system with the user name "root" and the password i set before, it is kind of complex.
so i want to set a default password for the user "root" into the firmware, so that i dont need to open web UI to set the password after the firstboot.

What i did is, first i read the script source code of Xwrt about how to set the "root" password, it use the command "passwd" in the following way:

echo "12345678"
sleep 1
echo "12345678"
)|passwd root
this will set the root's password to "12345678".
and also, i see the default file /etc/passwd said that, before setting a password to root , the password section of root will be a '!' like:
root:!:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash  (in the default /etc/passwd)

so i create a script named "", and execute it in /etc/rc.local , what i want is if there is no password set to root, create a password "12345678" to it , but if there is a password of root, do not do anything.

var=`grep  '^root:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f2 `
if [ $var='!']
         echo "12345678"
         sleep 1
         echo "12345678"
)|passwd root

it works, but only achiver half of my purpose. when there is no root password , it will set it to "12345678" (for example,the firstboot after flash firmware).  but if i change the  root password to other string through ssh, after reboot, it will set root password to "12345678" again!!! which means the if[ $var='!' ] does not work!
right now,what i want to know is  is there anyother way to set a default root password rather than what i did???
why if [ $var='!' ] does not work??? is there some mistake in my script or at the boot time, the /etc/passwd always display "root:!:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash" ???

snan4love wrote:

software: backfire 10.03+ Xwrt

Right now,when the firstboot after flash the firmware, i have to first open a web UI to set a password for the user "root", after that,i could use SSH to login the system with the user name "root" and the password i set before, it is kind of complex.
so i want to set a default password for the user "root" into the firmware, so that i dont need to open web UI to set the password after the firstboot.

What i did is, first i read the script source code of Xwrt about how to set the "root" password, it use the command "passwd" in the following way:

echo "12345678"
sleep 1
echo "12345678"
)|passwd root
this will set the root's password to "12345678".
and also, i see the default file /etc/passwd said that, before setting a password to root , the password section of root will be a '!' like:
root:!:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash  (in the default /etc/passwd)

so i create a script named "", and execute it in /etc/rc.local , what i want is if there is no password set to root, create a password "12345678" to it , but if there is a password of root, do not do anything.

var=`grep  '^root:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f2 `
if [ $var='!']
         echo "12345678"
         sleep 1
         echo "12345678"
)|passwd root

it works, but only achiver half of my purpose. when there is no root password , it will set it to "12345678" (for example,the firstboot after flash firmware).  but if i change the  root password to other string through ssh, after reboot, it will set root password to "12345678" again!!! which means the if[ $var='!' ] does not work!
right now,what i want to know is  is there anyother way to set a default root password rather than what i did???
why if [ $var='!' ] does not work??? is there some mistake in my script or at the boot time, the /etc/passwd always display "root:!:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash" ???


Your condition in the if command is wrong. The right script is:

var=`grep  '^root:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f2 `
if [ "$var" == "!" ]
         echo "12345678"
         sleep 1
         echo "12345678"
)|passwd root

But I think, that you can modify directly the package/base-files/files/etc/passwd file before you build the firmware.


(Last edited by vargalex on 31 May 2012, 08:06)

hello vargalex:
i tried the script u gave, it doesnt work even for the set the init password.
and also,how to modify the original /etc/passwd? the password are all encrypted, it is not easy to set a right one.
thank u for ur responce~

snan4love wrote:

hello vargalex:
i tried the script u gave, it doesnt work even for the set the init password.
and also,how to modify the original /etc/passwd? the password are all encrypted, it is not easy to set a right one.
thank u for ur responce~


Have you tired the BackFire 10.03 version?

I think (I have not tested), when you set the password on the router, and then copy the encrypted password from passwd file, than you can this paste to /package/base-files/files/etc/passwd file in your source.

vargalex wrote:

Have you tired the BackFire 10.03 version?
I think (I have not tested), when you set the password on the router, and then copy the encrypted password from passwd file, than you can this paste to /package/base-files/files/etc/passwd file in your source.

Tried this but unfortunately it does not work. I am fiddling with the image generator as of trunk revision 30980.

What I did is dropping the passwd file of an alreay setup box into the custom file folder of the image generator.
It shows up in /etc on the target system but telnet is still working and the password has to be set manually.

Would be neat if setting the pw to a default one an disabling telnet was possible.

Put "passwd" and "shadow" into your soruce :

e.g. ~/openwrt/trunk/files/etc/

No need to put that script into your build.

Moreover you can also set the router default IP to something other than

(Last edited by johan666 on 8 Jun 2012, 09:18)

johan666 wrote:

Put "passwd" and "shadow" into your soruce :

e.g. ~/openwrt/trunk/files/etc/

No need to put that script into your build.

Moreover you can also set the router default IP to something other than

Worked like a charm. Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot !! Worked very well.

mario.nebl wrote:
johan666 wrote:

Put "passwd" and "shadow" into your soruce :

e.g. ~/openwrt/trunk/files/etc/

No need to put that script into your build.

Moreover you can also set the router default IP to something other than

Worked like a charm. Thanks a lot!

I have this problem too! But i don't understand "put passwd and shadow...", what's the meaning of this? Put file or something?

kevincomo wrote:

I have this problem too! But i don't understand "put passwd and shadow...", what's the meaning of this? Put file or something?

Yes. Custom files can be included in the binary firmware image, when you build it.

So, you can include a custom /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow in your firmware.

(Last edited by hnyman on 27 Aug 2013, 08:03)

hnyman wrote:
kevincomo wrote:

I have this problem too! But i don't understand "put passwd and shadow...", what's the meaning of this? Put file or something?

Yes. Custom files can be included in the binary firmware image, when you build it.

So, you can include a custom /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow in your firmware.

First, thanks your reply!
I still do not understand, include a custom "/etc/passwd" file, or change the "package/base-file/etc/passwd" file, what's the different?
My question is  the password is encrypted, it is not easy to set a right one.

kevincomo wrote:

I still do not understand, include a custom "/etc/passwd" file, or change the "package/base-file/etc/passwd" file, what's the different?
My question is  the password is encrypted, it is not easy to set a right one.

The password file is naturally encrypted, like all Linux password files.
In practice you need to set the password in a live system system and then copy that encrypted passwd (and shadow) file to the build system for the next firmware.

The working way is to place custom /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files in the firmware (following the advice in this thread and in wiki). That file gets included in the firmware just before the image generation. Forget about modifying base-files.

(Last edited by hnyman on 27 Aug 2013, 08:19)

hnyman wrote:
kevincomo wrote:

I still do not understand, include a custom "/etc/passwd" file, or change the "package/base-file/etc/passwd" file, what's the different?
My question is  the password is encrypted, it is not easy to set a right one.

The password file is naturally encrypted, like all Linux password files.
In practice you need to set the password in a live system system and then copy that encrypted passwd (and shadow) file to the build system for the next firmware.

The working way is to place custom /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files in the firmware (following the advice in this thread and in wiki). That file gets included in the firmware just before the image generation. Forget about modifying base-files.

I see. Thanks a lot!

Hello everybody.

On 15.05 i can't change password using the script:

         echo $pass
         sleep 1
         echo $pass
)|passwd root

result is :

Changing password for root
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password:

Packages installed: shadow*, sudoers.

How to change pass in script?

If you can generate your password hash you can use awk to manipulate the /etc/shadow file directly. The following works for me on 15.05 and trunk:

awk -F: -v OFS=: -v p="your-hash-here" '$1=="root"{$2=p}1' /etc/shadow > /tmp/shadow
mv /tmp/shadow /etc/shadow

Just make sure to escape all dollar-signs on the hash with backslashes.

UPDATE: I used awk for a while as it was the first thing which popped up when I googled on how to automate /etc/shadow manipulation, but the following one-liner also seems to work:

sed -i 's|^root::|root:your-hash-here:|' /etc/shadow

In this case you don't need to escape dollar-signs.

(Last edited by stangri on 11 Feb 2016, 18:59)

i wrote this little lua script for setting user passwords, however, LuCI MUST be install for it to function


local sys = require "luci.sys"

function set_password(user,pass)

if #arg == 2 then set_password(...) else print("\nUSAGE:\n\tset_passwd <user> <password>\n") end

you can use it from the cmd line like..

lua set_passwd <user> <password>

ie ... lua set_passwd root toor

to use it to set the initial password on firstboot you can use it in combination with a uci default script

lua set_passwd root <your_password>
exit 0

just add the "files" directory to the top level of your openwrt directory, the add these two scripts


the password with be set on initial boot and then the uci-default script will be discarded smile

(Last edited by hostle19 on 12 Feb 2016, 14:20)

to use it from a script you could make a few simple edits so the calling script can tell if the password was set successfully or not ...

local sys = require "luci.sys"

function set_password(user,pass)

if #arg == 2 then set_password(...) else print(1) end


SET=`lua set_passwd $USER $PASS`

if [ $SET == 0 ]
    echo "SUCCESS"
    exit 0
    echo "FAILED"
    exit 1

(Last edited by hostle19 on 12 Feb 2016, 05:37)

The discussion might have continued from here.