OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: no factory.bin or sysupgrade.bin images, and other image strangeness?

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Unless something is massively wrong with my setup, I have noticed that something seems to be preventing the compiler from creating the squashfs-factory.bin and squashfs-sysupgrade.bin images.

I seem to be able to make it produce them if I make defconfig but at some point when I add a few packages, it ceases to produce the images though I've not once touched the target images settings.

Then to make it worse, even when I get the images, the packages that I have supposedly added don't appear on the image, as though the image hasn't been re-compiled, updated or anything, yet the timestamps due indeed show they are updated.

This is with a TPLINK TL-WR703N, and I'm compiling on Fedora 17, GCC 4.7.

Anyone having similar issues?

Nevermind, it seems I had accidentally selected a package as built-in that had dependencies that put the image size larger than the 703N will handle and something in the creation of the image aborted but apparently didn't let me know it had aborted everything I actually needed. That may also solve a problem I had earlier with "files" and I'll update that post if this turns out to be the case.  That said, I would have thought the make would have aborted or at least thrown a warning that I could have found but I found nothing.

(Last edited by ehrichweiss on 17 Jun 2012, 06:15)

Follow-up: no, it had nothing to do with the files issues. Still working on that.

The discussion might have continued from here.