I have a Linksys RTP300 VoIP router that is normally used with Vonage, the box runs linux and I've gained root access to it...
I'm interesting in advancing a possible OpenWRT port for this hardware by providing any information I extract about this system, what I've got so far is a file system dump of the 1.0.55 firmware and the contents of almost all of the /proc fs files.
1.0.55 Filesystem: http://www.northern.ca/projects/openwrt … s-dump.zip
dump of /proc: http://www.northern.ca/projects/openwrt … c-dump.txt
1.0.37 Linksys Source Code: ftp://ftp.linksys.com/opensourcecode/rt … 37_gpl.tgz
What other kind of info would be helpful to devs? Perhaps I should start a wiki page...