OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: SixXS with aiccu on Attitude Adjustment (arokah release)

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I just upgraded to the latest (r33409) community release of arokh for my WNDR3700v2. All went fine, except that my SixXS tunnel did not work anymore. I found out, that the init-Script was missing, which was obviously removed because of incompatibilities with the terms of SixXS.

I then created a config file manually and started the tunnel manually. But more problems arises:

Succesfully retrieved tunnel information for T12345
sock_printf()  : "QUIT Every Time We Live Together"
Tunnel Information for T12345:
POP Id      : qwert09
IPv6 Local  : 2001:1234:e000:153::2/64
IPv6 Remote : 2001:1234:e000:153::1/64
Tunnel Type : ayiya
Adminstate  : enabled
Userstate   : enabled
RTNETLINK answers: Permission denied
RTNETLINK answers: Permission denied
RTNETLINK answers: No route to host
[AYIYA-start] : Anything in Anything (draft-02)
[AYIYA-tun->tundev] : (Socket to TUN) started

According to this forum entry over at, the tool simply runs some commands. I then started the commands by myself, and the third command failed:

ip -6 addr add 2001:1234:e000:153::2/64 dev sixxs
RTNETLINK answers: Permission denied

I could fix that by enabling IPv6 on the sixxs interface

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/sixxs/disable_ipv6
# ip -6 ro add default via 2001:1234:e000:153::1/64 dev sixxs
Error: an inet address is expected rather than "2001:1234:e000:153::1/64"

Any ideas? The whole aiccu support seems to be gone pretty much.

Or is there another way to run a SixXS tunnels nowadays?



Thanks, well this solves the configuration and starting issue, but not the kernel related problems... It seems that nobody is using AICCU right now, since it just doesn't work on the current kernel..


falstaff wrote:


Thanks, well this solves the configuration and starting issue, but not the kernel related problems... It seems that nobody is using AICCU right now, since it just doesn't work on the current kernel..


What do you mean with nobody. Am I nobody! I use it now for more than a year.
Currently my tunnel endpoint using aiccu on an WRAP  in my lan using OpenBSD, but that is a different story.

And I can easily switch force and back between OpenWRT and OpenBSD routers.

And I don't understand why support for aiccu is removed from the package now.
This seems to be an issue, but this can be solved.

For other reason I'm still on  ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT (bleeding edge, r29617) (an ASUS RT-N16)
and everything is working fine for me since end of January.
No issues with aiccu, reboots etc,...
So I don't understand why AICCU is not built in any longer into OpenWRT.

There is an minor issue when ntpd is enabled, then my experience is that I have to use UTC as timezone, instead of the correct one. With ntpd disabled, it seems to be OK.

But I do still some further testings.


The discussion might have continued from here.