OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TL-MR3020 jffs2 vs squashfs

The content of this topic has been archived on 2 Sep 2014. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hey. Its been a while since I last used OpenWRT.

I've purchased two TP-LINK TL-MR3020 v1.0 routers to play with, and I've decided to install OpenWRT on both of them. The first one was flashed with the OpenWRT AA-beta2 squashfs-factory firmware. I've been able to reach it via luci as well as ssh and the whole thing works fine. For the second router I tried to use the jffs2 firmware as opposed to squashfs. Both routers were flashed identically except for the firmware image. Now the problem is that the router with jffs2 does not respond after flashing. When I connect it to power, all the LEDs light up for a moment and after a while the WPS button LED starts flashing and turns on. But that's it. I can't reach the router over ping, ssh or http. I even did a nmap scan, but it failed to detect the router (my IP was set to Have I bricked it? Why did the jffs image not work? How do I rescue it (serial I assume)?

These are the images I used: … actory.bin … actory.bin

And my next question... Why is there so little space available for extra packages on this router? The flash is 4 MB total, but on squashfs theres barely about 1 MB of flash left for custom packages. I can't even install gstreamer on it. Which firmware image should I use, if I want a router with more room and without any UI or its dependencies like liblua, libjson (?), etc? The beta images seem to have luci included.


dunno why but EVERYONE suggest to use squashfs image.. I assume there is a reason..

The discussion might have continued from here.