OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: dslctr dsl-504t

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

just been getting my head around openwrt and have it up and running on an old dsl-504t with backfire.

I'm trying to find out whether i can tweak my adsl setting such as coding gain, attenuation etc however i can't seem to find anything (i i've checked search and google etc) to do it.

there are references to adslctl however it does not appear to be in my build.

has this command been deprecated, or is it not applicable to this chipset ? also if not then is there anything that does a similar job.



not a single reply !

surely someone must know the answer to this???


The discussion might have continued from here.