OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Power Management

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


   I am planning to use OpenWrt with my custom hardware. One of my concerns is How efficient is the power management of OpenWrt ? Should I prefer some other firmware if power efficiency is one of my major concerns ?

- 4v

This depends on the driver or the wifi card itself not OpenWrt. Latest versions of OpenWrt always are built with latest drivers for wifi, so the answer maybe yes.

With iw we can tweak some power parameterers.

[dani@tool ~]$ iw --help
Usage:  iw [options] command
        --debug         enable netlink debugging
        --version       show version (3.6)
        dev <devname> set power_save <on|off>
                Set power save state to on or off.

        dev <devname> set txpower <auto|fixed|limit> [<tx power in mBm>]
                Specify transmit power level and setting type.

        phy <phyname> set txpower <auto|fixed|limit> [<tx power in mBm>]
                Specify transmit power level and setting type.


iw dev wlan0 set power_save on
iw dev wlan0 set txpower limit 1000

I'm afraid you cannot turn off power_save with some wifi chips working in AP mode.

(Last edited by danitool on 5 Nov 2012, 16:09)

The discussion might have continued from here.