i tried to compile it with the sdk but but it seams not to work becouse it needs ocaml to build too..
what can i do ?
greetz SkySurfer
The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
i tried to compile it with the sdk but but it seams not to work becouse it needs ocaml to build too..
what can i do ?
greetz SkySurfer
I will try to port Hydranode. I will tell you here if I got it working.
Chat with Hydranode lead developer:
Wallace78: hey mad, I'm reading the changelog where you say that it supports mips platforms!
Wallace78: I met hydranode on OpenWrt forum
Wallace78: a guy is trieing to compile hn in OpenWrt buildchain
Madcat: it's "theoretical" support
Madcat: it was never really tested
Madcat: doesn't have a mips around
Madcat: IIRC, it had something to do with endianess - I changed the way endianess is detected, so it should run on "unknown" endianess platforms correctly as well.
Madcat: but then again, last I checked endianess was fucked up on mac (one of the reasons why 0.2 is being delayed and delayed) so ...
Madcat: IIRC, the low-level binary IO methods that cyberz rewrote cpl months ago broke reading/writing little-endian protocols on big-endian platforms.
I didn't undestand what he said.... I'm not a developer... but I hope this can help you/him.
He is searching developers.
some time ago user spohana did it on asus router
maybe it is possible on WRT54GS too? (32MB RAM and SD/MMC mod)
it would be awesome to have mldonkey on router!! Maybe someone can halp with this??
it's possible make a debian bootstrap that fits on your card.
debootstrap will do this for you.
copy all files on your card.
an mount it with chroot.
now you can finish your debian installation with debian baseconfig and apt-get update apt-get upgrade
then u can get mldonkdy with apt-get so you don't need to compile it on your box.
but you allways have to mount debian to run mldonkey...
i think it's a not realy propper solution.
greetz SkySurfer
The discussion might have continued from here.