OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: pptp doesn't work for me

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


The developers for OpenWRT did a great job.

For me the box is a great toy to explore. Unfortunately I came to a point where I think I need help:

I installed the pptp-server package, changed the chap-secrets, checked the option files, set debug und logfile options and started the server daemon.

To be save I erased all iptable rules - for the moment of course...

When I try to connect from via wlan, each time the logfile gets an entry "Couldn't set tty to PPP discipline: Invalid argument" and the connection fails.

I cannot find information to solve this. Can anybody give me an hint or publish a set of config files, which a known to work?


Maybe this thread could help you:

Thank you for the hint.

The mentioned thread is related to pptp and firewall rules. I disabled all filtering for the tests. So this was not the issue.

New ideas are still welcome...


Hi Stefan,

if you're using a recent CVS snapshot, you should install the following packages: · kmod-ppp-mppe-mppc
· kmod-ppp-async

and if you're not using the pptp-server init script, don't forget to load the appropriate kernel modules manually

insmod ppp_async
insmod ppp_mppe_mppc

the first should solve your "line discipline" problem and the later will provide encryption/compression kernel support to ppp.


if you're using a recent CVS snapshot, you should install the following packages: · kmod-ppp-mppe-mppc
· kmod-ppp-async

Hi Nico,

you made my day!

The pptp package did not install these two module packages. The pptp-server init script tried to load the modules, but sent all error messages to /dev/null. Now it works great. Thank you.


The discussion might have continued from here.