OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWrt firewall

The content of this topic has been archived on 14 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi guys,

I am new to linux and therefore I am not very familiar with the basics.
I want to completely disable my OpenWrt firewall.On the wiki it says that I must
first execute /etc/init.d/firewall stop  and then /etc/init.d/firewall disable
My question is how to execute these directories.
I can ssh to my router and navigate to /etc/init.d where the firewall folder is located,
but I can not access it.I quess this happens because it is a script right?
Also is there a way to do this using the WebUI.I am running the backfire 10.03.1

Thank you.

Yes, as you said /etc/init.d/firewall is a script, not a folder. Have you tried to execute the above mentioned commands from ssh? Any errors returned?

I am using Barrier Breaker r34679, and I see on the webui:

System -> Startup -> firewall with Enable/Disable, Start, Restart, Stop options. I haven't tried , but I assume I can Stop and Disable firewall using this page.

Oh well.
It seems that this is the right path on the webui.Thank you very much.
But just out of curiosity and learning purposes how can I run the script?
I suppose I navigate to /etc/init.d and the I issue the commands
./firewall stop  and then ./firewall disable
Is this the way to it?
Thanks again.

You could also go in the Luci webui to System / Startup page, and then first "Stop" firewall and then "Disable" it. That should be the same.

dimigiotas wrote:

I suppose I navigate to /etc/init.d and the I issue the commands
./firewall stop  and then ./firewall disable
Is this the way to it?

Yes, but I would prefer

/etc/init.d/firewall stop
/etc/init.d/firewall disable

No need to navigate this way.

Well I turned it off using the webui following the proper sequence stop and then disable,
but it resulted into losing my internet access.Turning it back on my internet access is fine.
Any thoughts?

(Last edited by dimigiotas on 16 Dec 2012, 23:39)

Probably the firewall rules also create the routing rules for NAT etc., so "turning firewall completely off" also disables some routing functions. You have to then re-create the needed rules and functionalities.

(Last edited by hnyman on 17 Dec 2012, 00:03)

The discussion might have continued from here.