I built full-blown Perl distribution for OpenWrt/mipsel.
Prebuilt packages (tested on WR RC4) for anyone interested:
ftp://ftp.riss-telecom.ru/pub/openwrt/l … ages/perl/
Edit: You probably will want to install perl_5.8.7-1_mipsel.ipk and perlbase-essential_5.8.7-1_mipsel.ipk in the first place
Package sources (including packages for some perl modules):
ftp://ftp.riss-telecom.ru/pub/openwrt/l … 117.tar.gz
To build from sources using OpenWrt SDK:
tar xjvf OpenWrt-SDK-Linux-i686-1.tar.bz2
tar xzvf package-20060117.tar.gz
mv openwrt/package/perl* openwrt/package/libdb openwrt/package/libgdbm OpenWrt-SDK-Linux-i686-1/package/
cd OpenWrt-SDK-Linux-i686-1
make libdb-compile libgdbm-compile perl-compile
Package sources currently lack Config.in files and doesn't generate dependencies.
Suggestions, bug reports and patches are welcome.
Update: Read this: ftp://ftp.riss-telecom.ru/pub/openwrt/local/README.perl
Update: LWP, URI and HTML modules by Peter Colberg: http://www.cip.ifi.lmu.de/~colberg/OpenWRT/package/ http://www.cip.ifi.lmu.de/~colberg/Open … /packages/
[s]Update: Want to maintain perl for openwrt? Email me using E-Mail link on the left.[/s]
Update: Packages at ftp.riss-telecom.ru are obsolete. Use packages from Peter Colberg: http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?pid=52600#p52600
(Last edited by frol on 21 Mar 2008, 06:20)