i have found a 16,3 MB Beta .bin Image (http://everbest.ftpserver.biz/TP-Link/T … 20Firmware) working fine, i haven't found any differences to the "3.13.2 Build 121211 Rel.59170n" firmware. if anyone could send a openwrt-bin, i would test, because i have two wdr-4900 running. :-)
Topic: Developing Support for TPLINK WDR4900
The content of this topic has been archived between 4 Oct 2014 and 4 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.
Last night I have successfully built a OpenWrt Trunk image for my TL-WDR4900 without any issues.
It took me a little while to find out how the building actually works, but I found my way out.
Everything seems to work pretty smooth.
root@router:~# uname -a
Linux router 3.8.3 #1 Sat Mar 23 10:00:27 CET 2013 ppc GNU/Linux
root@router:~# dmesg
[ 0.000000] Using Freescale P1014 machine description
[ 0.000000] Memory CAM mapping: 64/64 Mb, residual: 0Mb
[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.8.3 (jeffrey@zone403-dev) (gcc version 4.6.4 20121210 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.6-2012.12) ) #1 Sat Mar 23 10:00:27 CET 2013
[ 0.000000] Found legacy serial port 0 for /soc@ffe00000/serial@4500
[ 0.000000] mem=ffe04500, taddr=ffe04500, irq=0, clk=399999996, speed=0
[ 0.000000] TL-WDR4900 v1 board from TP-Link
It's a pity that the hardware NAT feature isn't supported by OpenWrt, but for now I'm fine with that, as I only have a 120 Mb connection at home. I'm wondering what the WAN to LAN speed is on OpenWrt, will try to test that at a later moment.
For those interested, I will upload my image later today. It's based on r36111 with LuCI, UPnP, nano, wpad-mini, ipv6-support (including LuCI support) and does not include PPP.
(Last edited by Jeffrey87 on 23 Mar 2013, 12:27)
@Jeffrey87 when and where will you upload your image?
Here is my TL-WDR4900 v1 image.
It's based on r36111 with LuCI, UPnP, nano, wpad-mini, ipv6-support (including LuCI support) and does not include PPP.
Downloading and installing packages using the opkg command does not work, because there are no mpc85xx packages available on http://downloads.openwrt.org at the moment. This is not a bug, and will be fixed as soon as there are packages available on OpenWrt's HTTP server.
Please be aware that flashing this image is at your own risk! I can not be held responsible for (semi-)bricked devices.
It's working just fine on my device, but your mileage may vary.
http://vps.zone403.nl/openwrt-mpc85xx-t … actory.bin
MD5: 89134c04d60def23384223512046aec0
Comments and feedback are always welcome.
(Last edited by Jeffrey87 on 23 Mar 2013, 15:20)
I have my TL-WDR4900 working with an image I built myself. Note to anyone else building their own image: in order to find the profile for "TP-Link TL-WDR4900" in "make menuconfig", you need to select "Freescale MPC85xx " as the "Target System".
I am currently still setting up the configuration. I have found one small issue: the button that is labelled "WPS/Reset" is reported, to the hotplug script, as "reset". This means that the /etc/hotplug.d/button/50-wps doesn't work as it expects the button to be called "wps". Should I submit a ticket asking for the button name to be changed?
[I notice that my last post on this forum was in 2005 -- things have changed a fair bit around here since then! But my WRT54G (running a Jan 2005 White Russian build) has, at last, started to fail so I needed some new hardware]
Under http://tioan.org/openwrt/trunk/bin/mpc85xx/packages/ you can find a bunch of packages for the wdr 4900
I have just bought this router and was thinking of installing the openWRT image.
Does anyone know if it allows port forwarding based on WAN IP?
I only have one wan IP yet, but should get a block soon. From the (default) interface it doesnt seem to support port forwarding based on the WAN IP the traffic came in on (unless I've missed something).
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes it does through the src_dip option ("Intented destination IP" in the gui).
I'm considering purchasing this router, but haven't heard much about the range/throughput of the radio portions. I've got some challenges on range due to lath-and-plaster Victorian construction here.
For those that own these devices, would you be able to comment on the apparent range of them compared to other devices you may have owned?
Yes it does through the src_dip option ("Intented destination IP" in the gui).
Great, thanks for your reply.
I take it this is for the openWrt image? I cant find the option in the standard.
I have managed to mess up the network configuration and can't get at my WDR4900 any more. Any idea if/how the OpenWrt Failsafe mode can be triggered on this router?
Have you already tried the generic failsafe?
You could probably skip stages 2-3 from that page and just keep clicking 'reset' button while the router boots up. If suddenly status led will start blinking 4x times faster than usual bootup blinking rate, then you're probably entered the failsafe mode. Then just telnet to router (at IP, issue 'mount_root' command and fix your network config.
(Last edited by eximido on 27 Mar 2013, 07:36)
Thanks for the help. I have been trying that. I think I can get into the failsafe mode (light starts flshing faster, wifi lights never come on so it is waiting for something). But I can't get a response on any of the ports (telnet, ping, arp).
I was wondering whether it works for anyone else.
I am pretty sure that in failsafe wifi is disabled: you need to connect with an ethernet cable. If you can't telnet in (, then my guess is it is time to find a serial cable
Has there been testing of the VLAN functionality of this device?
I'm also looking for any "feeling" about the range of the unit compared to others that people may have used.
have you tried ALL ports including WAN?
Yes. I have tried all 5 ethernet ports. I think that when I first set it up I found I could only connect on the WAN port (the one labelled Internet). But now it is in (or, at least, appears to be in) failsafe mode none of the ports responds (also the LAN ports are not bridged together -- I am not sure if they normally are in failsafe mode). I have watched the traffic using tcpdump and there are no ARP responses (there is also no UDP message being sent as shown on the "generic failsafe" page). I even tried all 192.168.1.* addresses (and the addresses I had configured the ports for).
Is it possible that failsafe mode does not work in this image? I suppose I could have a hardware problem, although the device is only a couple of days old and it would be quite a co-incidence that it stopped working at exactly the time that I tried reloading a modified configuration.
If I let it boot normally, the WiFi comes up and functions as an AP (I can connect two wireless devices and they can talk to each other) but there is no IP access on either wired ports or the WiFi. I am assuming that is because I messed something up in my last change, which was to the network config file.
Does anyone know if there is a way to bootload this device over the network? Or using a USB port? Starting from scratch again would be faster than waiting until I can create a serial cable!
Is it possible that failsafe mode does not work in this image?
As a last resort try to send email to the openwrt devs maillist or to juhosg directly (see contacts) as he ported OpenWrt to WDR4900 and he apparently should know for sure how failsafe work (or does not work) in this device now.
I just installed Jeffrey87's image, it works a treat! Thank you very much for building it!
After reading about issues with failsafe mode I thought it might be reasonable to add "reset" functionality to "wps/reset" button, so I wrote a simple script:
# Hardware button handler for WDR4900
# Copyright (C) 2013 Erinome.net
. /lib/functions/leds.sh
if [ "$BUTTON" = "reset" ] ; then
if [ "$ACTION" = "released" ] ; then
if [ -e $rlock ] ; then
if [ $SEEN -ge 15 ] ; then
logger 'hotplug.button: performing reset'
led_timer "tp-link:blue:system" 500 500
firstboot -y
logger 'hotplug.button: reset cancelled'
led_on "tp-link:blue:system"
rm $rlock
if [ $SEEN -ge 15 ] ; then
logger 'hotplug.button: reset requested'
led_timer "tp-link:blue:system" 100 100
touch $rlock
if [ $SEEN -ge 2 ] ; then
logger "hotplug.button: switching wireless $radionum"
case "$(uci -q get wireless.$radionum.disabled)" in
uci set wireless.$radionum.disabled=0
wifi up $radionum
uci set wireless.$radionum.disabled=1
wifi down $radionum
It should be placed to /etc/hotplug.d/button directory.
This way you can:
1. Pressing "reset" button for less than 2s - switch on or off radio0 wireless device;
2. Pressing "reset" button for more than 2s - switch on or off radio1 wireless device;
3. Pressing "reset" button for more than 15s - enables "waiting-for-reset-confirmation"-mode.
That mode is denoted by fast blinking system LED. While in that mode you can press the button quickly to leave that mode or press it for another 15s+ to issue "firstboot" command which will reset the device to openwrt "factory" state.
No one did any OpenSSL benchmark on this router?
It has hw float results should be interesting.
Graham is not the only one having "bricked?" his WDR4900. I now have done the same thing using Jeffrey87's image and by changing some network parameters in my 2 WDR4900.
I had purchased these to replace 2 WRT54g running DDWRT with Gigabit Routers in order to have faster Video transfers between my NAS and some workstations in my local network.
No problems with the firmware upgrade and running both routers as switches in DHCP Client mode. the DHCP Server and Internet Gateway is installed on my Freebox. Having changed the parameters for IPV6 6to4 both routers do not respond to pings anymore and since I saw the message from eximido about the reset script a little bit late so I did not add his little script to be able to do a "first boot" reset.
The reset results of my reset actions are the same than those Graham described.
My questions: Is there anybody who could give me a hint?
1) I suppose that I have to re-flash my routers with either the OpenWRT bin or with the latest TP-link bin which already worked. I have had a look at the bin files: Can I reflash the "TL-WDR4900n_v1_boot(121211).bin" as is?
2) Is there anybody who can give me a description /photo of pins of the serial layout on the board of the WDR4900?
Thanks for reading me….
picture from wiki:
http://wiki.openwrt.org/_media/media/tp … serial.jpg
read wiki about the "boot" in filenames, maybe you should strip out uboot from there
http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl- … l.firmware
(Last edited by nebbia88 on 1 Apr 2013, 15:48)
No one did any OpenSSL benchmark on this router?
It has hw float results should be interesting.
I've added benchmark results to the wiki.
Its pure default installation without any gcc options tuning or crypto-accelerators enabled (are there any available at all?).
Sorry, posts 76 to 75 are missing from our archive.