OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: bricked TP-Link TL WR1043ND with dark SYS LED

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

after i flashed wrt my router cant login ip address and reset button no response.
i hope can flash my router back to original fimware.
how to do it?please...urgent!

after this problem still can warranty or not?

No, warranty is void most of the time.
First do the 30-30-30 reset
after that power cycle it ( yes again ) and as soon as the "sys" led is flashing press and hold the qss button ( on front of your router ). It will start flash rapitly. Then telnet to it and set a password in it with the cmd:

then go to the web gui:
If this doesn't work then you need to install the gui with the cmd's:
opkg update
opkg install luci
/etc/init.d/uhttpd enable
/etc/init.d/uhttpd start

make sure you plugged in a network cable into the WAN port so you are connected to the internet and another cable in port 3 for example that goes to your machine.

Please let me know if you have any questions

(Last edited by dre2007 on 6 Feb 2013, 16:00)


I need your help. I can't acess the webgui but I managed to access via telnet but it still keeps blinking the sys led after qss is pressed and when i tried the opkg command it said:

Collected errors:
* opkg_conf_load: Could not create lock file /var/lock/opkg.lock: No such file
or directory

What do I do now?
What is the 30-30-30 reset?
My pc here has only one ethernet plug. :s

Thank you very much. I think the router here has no config at all (probably because I messed up somewhere) and I don't know how to do it.

dre2007 wrote:

No, warranty is void most of the time.
First do the 30-30-30 reset
after that power cycle it ( yes again ) and as soon as the "sys" led is flashing press and hold the qss button ( on front of your router ). It will start flash rapitly. Then telnet to it and set a password in it with the cmd:

then go to the web gui:
If this doesn't work then you need to install the gui with the cmd's:
opkg update
opkg install luci
/etc/init.d/uhttpd enable
/etc/init.d/uhttpd start

make sure you plugged in a network cable into the WAN port so you are connected to the internet and another cable in port 3 for example that goes to your machine.

Please let me know if you have any questions

(Last edited by trelica on 6 Feb 2013, 21:04)

No problem, I will try to explain as clear as possible.

what you also need to do form the telnet before you start the entire procedure is: mtd -r erase rootfs_data ( this will clean up the old messy configuration ( all the data will be erased on your openwrt device!!!! )

30-30-30 reset is the following
1: ensure the router has power
2: press the reset button and hold it for 30 seconds
3: remove the power but KEEP the reset button pressed for another 30 seconds
4: after 30 seconds plug the power back in and still press the reset button for another 30 seconds
5: release the reset button ( finally haha ) and unplug and replug the power cord.

if you already have the telnet connectivity, set a pwd on it.
Ssh will be enabled automatically
no use putty ( small tiny program ) and go with ssh to it.
Try again with opkg update

Now the most important step for you, I think, some versions have no opkg but they have ipkg ( it isn't a type it is an i instead of an o ).

Try the above and please inform me if you need assistance or if it worked for you so other people can also provide from this topic.

PS: your username will ALWAYS be root for SSH once a password is set and your password will be the one you set with passwd

(Last edited by dre2007 on 7 Feb 2013, 08:33)

i try my router 30-30-30 reset after click qss button also no blink.
how can i do it?

I am sorry but your last comment is barely readable.
I think you meant that you did the 30-30-30 reset and after that, you clicked the qss without any result?
What you should do:
plug a cable in your network port and set your ip address to static on with a subnet of
After that, go to you cmd prompt and type: ping -t
Then boot up the device and watch if you receive a echo reply.

If that didn't work:
Do the same as I described above but as soon as the sys led is going to flash, you press the qss button.
Once again look at your cmd prompt and check if you get an echo reply.

Come back with the results please.

Hi, Mine is also bricked. Last week i did failsafe mode successfully but this time again I am not able to go to admin interface,
ping results in destination host unreachable and most important sys light is not blinking at all....Please help

Did you do the 30-30-30 reset????

The discussion might have continued from here.