I have been using dd-wrt for quite some time, but then I decided to test OpenWRT, mostly due to dd-wrt not supporting my new router. However I flashed my router with OpenWRT and then found out that my version does not have a GUI...
I am a Windows guy, who LOVES GUI, can do a few lines in DOS, but absolutely nothing in Linux. Therefore I don't know how to either restore to the original firmware or apply GUI. Have been checking around, there are some tutorials, but only for people used to Linux. I don't even know how to connect to command line!
I found the original firmware here (http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/downl … n=V1#tbl_b), but it's zipped (in one tutorial I saw a line which expects it from internet source and unzipped...)
I'd be also very pleased with a way to install GUI (mostly because QoS of the original firmware sucks).
So what I need here is:
- a few step tutorial how to connect to my router and enter the command line
- Written code to copy to the command line and achieve either of my two goals
I know I ask a lot, but please help me. I don't really want to use a brand new router as a 10/100 switch only.
Thank you in advance for a solution!