OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Restore Firmware WGT634U

The content of this topic has been archived on 17 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


i have flashed my WGT634U with the latest version of openwgt.
Now i want to find a solution how i can restore the old netgear image. (Ver.

I have tried the Usb solution with my usb stick. But the usb stick is not booting.
Can I use instead of the usb stick a hard disk wich is also connected via usb.

Or there are any other solutions.

The router has an internet connection (Maybe there is a way to get the image flashed over the inet?!)

Thanks for your help,


SimonLouis wrote:


i have flashed my WGT634U with the latest version of openwgt.
Now i want to find a solution how i can restore the old netgear image. (Ver.

I have tried the Usb solution with my usb stick. But the usb stick is not booting.
Can I use instead of the usb stick a hard disk wich is also connected via usb.

Or there are any other solutions.

The router has an internet connection (Maybe there is a way to get the image flashed over the inet?!)

Thanks for your help,


Check with the OpenWGT guys. If you want to install OpenWrt, build a serial console and flash up a kamikaze image.

If I recall, OpenWGT has a restore script built in for reverting to stock images. Google is your friend.

The discussion might have continued from here.