Also take a look at buildroot/make/
I am trying to build customized firmware and am including openssh, olsrd & tcpdump. openssh and olsrd compiles at least.
I found a olsrd-Makefile somewhere in this wiki which needed to be edited or rather updated. I changed the following and first line in the makefile:
The problem for me was that the tcpdump- and libpcap-binaries were not included in build_mipsel/root. Reviewing build_mipsel/root I got aware of the fact that I have been misleaded by the targets used in the master-makefile buildroot/Makefile.
I have put the customize-target just before the openwrt-code.bin-target:
TARGETS:=host-sed gcc3_3 ipkg-utils openwrt-base zlib openssl openssh uolsrd pppoecd customize openwrt-code.bin
Now I will add Blackvels makefiles.
Here's my
# Running Customization!!!
rm $(ROOT_DIR)/etc/init.d/S*
rm $(ROOT_DIR)/etc/init.d/rcS
cp -af $(CUST_DIR)/etc/init.d/* $(ROOT_DIR)/etc/init.d/
cp $(BUILD_DIR)/WRT54GS/release/src/router/mipsel-uclibc/install/nas/usr/sbin/nas $(ROOT_DIR)/usr/sbin/nas
cp $(BUILD_DIR)/WRT54GS/release/src/router/mipsel-uclibc/install/utils/usr/sbin/wl $(ROOT_DIR)/usr/sbin/wl