I want to let my client use a flash drive to pull out and put in his computer to set the SSID in a text file named "ssid.txt". Then upon sticking it back into the router, and reboot, it picks up this name and uses it. Possible?
More: I am wanting a very easy way for my client to change the open Wi-Fi name and this seems easier and more direct than having them log in and do it. If I put the name in a text file sitting on the USB flash drive ( which they will leave in the router ), it can simply be rebooted, pickup the new/changed SSID and then work. They'll take that flash drive out and edit the file directly naming it whatever they want and I don't have to intervene or be troubled. This is my plan.
Note: I am a n00b ( first forum post ) at OpenWRT but have some exp. with DOS batch files and some terminal exp on OSX.
(Last edited by usermac on 14 Apr 2013, 20:01)