I just compiled ext2 and ext3 modules with acl + user_xattr support.
However, when I uploaded the modules to the router, I can't insmod them, as I get "unresolved symbol" errors (I didn't upload the kernel, as I didn't change any options in it).
So then I tried to insmod vfat module that I build, and I also have "unresolved symbol" errors.
How do you make new kernel modules to avoid these errors?
What I did, was:
# cd ./openwrt/build_mipsel/linux-2.4-brcm/linux-2.4.30
# make menuconfig (choose modules you want)
# rm -f .depend_done .modules_done
and then make in "openwrt" directory.
However, all modules I build can't be insterted, due to "unresolved symbols".
What do I do wrong?