OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Mesh with AP and extra DHCP-Server

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have to do a job for a captive portal on a campingplace and like to do ist with OpenWrt.
I have a test scenario with 3 TP-Link TL-WDR4300. They have 2 radio (2,4 GHz and 5 GHz), one WAN and 4 LAN.
The 2,4 GHz radios should work as APs and the 5 GHz should do the connections between the 3 systems via Ad hoc or 802.11s.
Cause the portal system has to work as DHCP server and not a OpenWrt, I have bridged LAN, WAN and the AP-net and disabled all DHCP services. On the router, connected to the portal, clients get IP from portal and everything looks good.
But not from Routers connected via Ad hoc. I can ping from router <-> router.
In simple words: Clients connected to APs without direct WAN get no IP.
I have tried with mode 802.11s without any access. The documetation from Thomas Wagner can't help me.

You can see the described network under

It would be very nice, if someone could help me with a step-by-step documetation. If neccesary, I would pay for it. It is urgent.
I think, my main problem is, to route traffic from the other APs over the AdHoc connections to the AP with WAN connection.


Adhoc mode does NOT support bridging.  You must route traffic in and out of an adhoc network.

Here are some links to help with setting up a mesh network on OpenWRT. … 11/802.11s

I was able to set up a mesh network myself using the packages and instructions at this particular link.

It allows you to configure your router using the Luci GUI.
I had issues compiling the authsae package so I excluded the security related packages from the build but with that out of the way I have a mesh network up and working in the real world.

The discussion might have continued from here.