i'am a new subscripter of Sveasoft and have a major problem.
I had used with my WRT54G V1.0 Router the openwrt firmware.
Now i would use the Firmware_Alchemy-pre5_3.bin with my router.
I have enabled the boot_wait NVRAM variable. The router is connected to a linux workstation with atftp running.
When i reboot the router then i can reflash it only with the Satori-4.0 v2.07.1.7sv Firmware! And this works only when i rename the BIN File to openwrt-g-code.bin
I can after reflashing and reboot connect to the webinterface from Satori and the router works well (with PPPOE support...)
So, now when i try update to the Firmware_Alchemy-pre5_3.bin with the Upgrade Firmware option, then the firmware will flash and the router reboot.
But from now, i can't access the router. Only directly after the reboot i can ping the router ( for few seconds (boot_wait) thats all.
Ok, then i reflash with tftp to Satori version and it works well again. I tryed then to upgrade to Alchemy version pre5_2_1 and pre5_2_2 with the web interface, but there i get a upgrade error after a few seconds.
I tryed then to upgrade via tftp but then i have the same problem as with pre5_3.
But what me makes a little confuse... i can always only flash files with tftp they are named openwrt-g-code.bin
What can i do to reset the router to factory default with all nvram variables also set to factory default and deleting all of not default variables they come from openwrt?
Why does the alchemy versions not work with my router?
Btw. i had to do change some nvram variables for openwrt. But i have the problem, that i can't remember to all changes. It was somthing with wan_ifname, pppoe_ifname, vlan1, br0 and so on...
Please help me!