I tried to apply the same modification to trunk. didn't work
Topic: Openwrt support for Sitecom WLR-8100
The content of this topic has been archived between 6 Jul 2014 and 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
in 3.10.17 it isnt even recognized as unknown atheros device like in AA (without modification)
somehow the ag71xx-mdio is scanning falsely ?
default detection of AR8337N switch
[ 3.180000] libphy: ag71xx_mdio: probed
[ 3.190000] eth0: Atheros AG71xx at 0xb9000000, irq 4, mode:RGMII
[ 3.740000] ag71xx ag71xx.0 eth0: connected to PHY at ag71xx-mdio.0:00 [uid=004dd036, driver=Generic PHY]
[ 3.750000] eth1: Atheros AG71xx at 0xba000000, irq 5, mode:SGMII
still not found time to have a look at the switch code - busy with some packages modification and recently
experimenting with Archer C7 and hw v2.
The internal switch is working now.
I managed to do a patch to current trunk :
it is available on the mailing list (or on patchwork)
http://patchwork.openwrt.org/patch/4469/ - AR8337N support
http://patchwork.openwrt.org/patch/4470/ - fixes the switch config (/etc/config/network)
In order to build an image you need another patch:
http://patchwork.openwrt.org/patch/4149/ - add profile and build image for the Sitecom WLR-8100
open issues/TODO:
- init data (MAC)
- flash from factory (create dlf images)
- firmware layout and naming
what works:
- creating a XZ compressed RAMDISK and load it into Router RAM from a TFTP server: SERIAL console needed; not overwriting factory firmware; press "1" during boot;
(image file: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-wlr8100-initramfs-uImage.bin )
- squashfs image written to firmware partition
ath10k is a little bit unstable (probably lack of testing on embedded), but it seems to work with hostapd, DFS, ACS:
root@OpenWrt:/# iw dev wlan0 info
Interface wlan0
ifindex 10
wdev 0x200000001
addr 00:03:07:12:34:56
ssid ath10k
type AP
wiphy 2
channel 36 (5180 MHz), width: 80 MHz, center1: 5210 MHz
(Last edited by zloop on 27 Nov 2013, 22:31)
first thanks for the effort and the progress made to get OpenWRT running on the WLR-8100.
Due to the available *.dfl files it was easy for me to get OpenWRT installed on my new WLR-8100. Everthing seems to work fine with the exception of the 5 GHz (802.11ac). In the wiki there is a link to a bin file with the 5 GHz support. I'm not so familiar with OpenWRT, how do I use / install this bin file in a running OpenWRT system?
Thanks for the support
Hi There,
Did anybody verify the GPIO button function? I need to reprogram the WPS button to Reset to default button but the gpio_keys_polled does not work properly. the gpio_button_hotplug module keeps reporting "Error: Driver 'gpio-keys-polled' is already registered, aborting...".
What is the current state of this device? Are there still some people working on it?
Hey, I used the two-step firmware upgrade, and now i can't log into my router.
I flashed the step1 firmware from the 2 step process. Device rebooted after that. Webinterface still responds, can ping it, etc. so doesn't seem bricked. Can't login to the webinterface however to flash step2. No longer accepts the password.
Tried factory resetting it again, but doesn't help.
Any ideas? Is the password fixed to something? Couldn't find anything on it in the docs.
Kind regards
Can anyone confirm he successfully installed OpenWrt on a Sitecom WLR-8100 using the 'two step upgrade procedure'? What was the password after installing the first .dlf file?
I would like to install OpenWrt on my Sitecom WLR-8100, but @freakyNL and @siegerf posted they couldn't login after the first step. Is this fixed?
(Last edited by cdgrit on 26 Apr 2017, 07:50)
Can anyone confirm he successfully installed OpenWrt on a Sitecom WLR-8100 using the 'two step upgrade procedure'? What was the password after installing the first .dlf file?
I would like to install OpenWrt on my Sitecom WLR-8100, but @freakyNL and @siegerf posted they couldn't login after the first step. Is this fixed?
I have flashed LEDE from the download page (i.e. releases/17.01.2/targets/ar71xx/generic/lede-17.01.2-ar71xx-generic-wlr8100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin). Just upload in in the factory firmware and update. It works.
I do however have problems getting the 5ghz Wifi on. It seems the card (ath10k if I'm not mistaken) is not recognized.
Can anyone help?
I want to flash openwrt on this device and have a few questions.
What is the "two step upgrade procedure"?
Is it possible to flash it without cracking the device open and using a serial-usb?
Edit: Ok that was rather easy. I simply flashed the LEDE firmware via the stock/factory interface and it worked fine.
Logging in with rooot and an empty password worked great, however the 5GHz card is not there.
@theguyfromNL, did you get the 5GHz working?
(Last edited by rmblr on 28 Aug 2017, 13:04)
I want to flash openwrt on this device and have a few questions.
What is the "two step upgrade procedure"?
Is it possible to flash it without cracking the device open and using a serial-usb?Edit: Ok that was rather easy. I simply flashed the LEDE firmware via the stock/factory interface and it worked fine.
Logging in with rooot and an empty password worked great, however the 5GHz card is not there.
@theguyfromNL, did you get the 5GHz working?
Hi, unforunately no, I have not managed to get the 5ghz working yet.
I'm still hoping someone will provide some help here...
I managed to install LEDE from scratch a few days ago and got 5ghz also working. Since the installation procedure is not very clear, I thought I'd summarize here what I did to get everything working:
There seems to be no need to hook into the UART or to do the two-step procedure described in the OpenWrt wiki. Simply uploading the LEDE sysupgrade firmware via stock interface, as @rmblr mentioned, worked fine for me. There is a warning message from the stock interface when doing this, but it seems safe to ignore.
After the install was complete I could login and setup everything as I needed (I have a very simple, AP only setup). At this point I got everything working except the 5 GHz wireless interface, which wouldn't even show up.
I noticed in the wiki under "Enabling 5GHz" that ath10k wireless driver is mentioned. The LEDE default installation seems to only ship with ath9k driver. So I went to the Software install page and downloaded the ath10k kernel driver and firmware packages, "kmod-ath10k" and "ath10k-firmware-qca988x" respectively.
After reboot it still did not work, but I saw in the system logs that the kernel did try to load the driver. I then followed the instructions on the wiki: ssh'ed into the router and edited the file "/etc/modules.d/55-ath10k", adding "skip_otp=y" to both lines.
After another reboot the 5GHz interface did show up and I was able to configure it. Unfortunately, my laptop wouldn't connect to it though, complaining about the password. I managed to solve this by forcing encryption cipher to CCMP, rather than "auto".
It seems to work great so far. I'm using 5GHz all the time and I've had no problems streaming HD video nor using Skype. I'm not sure falling back to 2.4GHz is working correctly though (eg. when moving out of range), I need to test it a bit more.
Maybe a dumb question, I tried Google and searched this forum but didn't find an answer... The wlr-8100 v1 001 custom firmware can also be used on the v1 002 device?
Thanks in advance!
The discussion might have continued from here.