OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Luci based AP (WDS) Client (WDS) How to Wireless LAN link

The content of this topic has been archived on 2 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Here is a step by step 'how to' for OpenWRT Luci enabled systems. (pdf)

It includes the establishment of a 150n wireless LAN link between two TP-Link 703n routers loaded with an Open WRT version ROOter.

It includes a throughput test of the link, over 10m separation in a domestic situation, with 80Mbps transfer speeds achieved.

A pretty cheap wireless LAN. smile

The pdf document above is updated to turn on the repeater function in the Client radio, for full WDS.


why so nice ? thanks:)

Thanks a lot for this PDF file.

Dude, you're awesome. This guide is a couple years old now, but seems to be working fine for me! I have a TPLink Archer C7 (v2) as the master, and a Netgear R6100 as the client. Both are running Chaos Calmer 15.05. One recomendation for anyone else trying this out: Try an app called Net Spot instead of inSSIDer to test your setup. It's free, and tells you everything you need to know (SSID, BSSID, singnal strength).

I have been searching for a while. You provided what I want. Thanks.

The discussion might have continued from here.