That would be ideally, but I think is impossible to get GPL sources of the wl.ko, as broadcom didn't release those under GPL. So I'd do it the unofficial way, take the requried files from dd-wrt sources and interleave them into the openwrt sources and build an image, for my and anyone else' purpose, who is interested.
Topic: Netgear R6300 supported? (and if not, how can I help?)
The content of this topic has been archived between 17 Oct 2017 and 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Picked up a customer return R6300v2 over the weekend, fully knowing that it appears to not have any OpenWrt 5GHz support yet.
Checking dd-wrt it seems that they support this router, also on 5GHz wifi.
As I would like to get ROOTer support on it, if possible, I would be very glad if there were any work in progress to get this router fully supported by OpenWrt.
Is there any work in progress to get this done?
I have no idea what the policy is for using dd-wrt code in OpenWrt.
Hi All,
Some months ago, I bought a used R6300V2 from ebay, and I have to go aboard ,so I don't have enough time to use/test it .
these days, I just start to use it ,and found this R6300 V2 can't be use ,the WAN port and the last LAN port (near the WAN port) can't be connected, the port always be disconnected.
in addition, this is a Charter ISP version(MyCharterWIFIxxx) ,board_id= U12H240T70_NETGEAR
I have flashed it to DD-WRT with Kong's build,seems got the same result ,wan port can't work.
another new found is the CPU temperature is very high ,after power on about 5-10 minutes, it will reach 90+ degree centigrade.
seems ebay seller has no response to my mail,
all the WIFI works and 3 LAN port can works. CFE/TTL serial console also works well.
the wan port has been broken by cpu high temperature ?
anyone can help me ?
WAN port and the last LAN port (near the WAN port) can't be connected, the port always be disconnected
Provide the output of:
nvram show | grep ports
cat /etc/config/network
all the WIFI works
you mean on both openwrt and dd-wrt? last time I tried openwrt on my r6300v2, it had support only for the 2,4Ghz WLAN, and after first cold reboot, the signal strength was like 1-2 meters.
wuwentao wrote:WAN port and the last LAN port (near the WAN port) can't be connected, the port always be disconnected
Provide the output of:
nvram show | grep ports
cat /etc/config/network
Sorry for the delay,I have flashed it to stock firmware and check the wan/lan port , seems no any updates now.
in addition, the first important issue is the CPU temperature is about 90+ degree, so I think these port maybe broken by the high cpu temp, but I can't find out why this cpu temp is 90+, when I received it ,seems the case not be open .
If the ports don't work with stock firmware, there is a hardware failure. Lightning storm damage can blow out some ports but leave the rest of the router working.
Sorry to necro a post, but the wiki said to go here.
I have the R6300v1 and I wanted to flash OpenWRT to it. I got to the point where I tried to flash the `squashfs-noloader-nodictionary.trx` file but the netgear GUI said it only supported *.chk files (and looking at the code, it also accepts bin files). I don't have access to the serial connection and I can't seem to get tftp to work.
Any ideas?
I don't have access to the serial connection (...)
Any ideas?
It's a bad idea to flash OpenWrt on unsupported device then.
The discussion might have continued from here.