OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WGT634U Questions

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I just flashed my new WGT634U with the 2.6 Flyashi's jffs2 bin image. After I flashed the 634 using the web method I read the Common mistake post and it says we need to convert the bin file to a trx file. Anyway my 634 is up and running.
#1 Did I do something wrong by flashing the bin file, because I'm unable to make changes to /etc/config/network file.
#2 Is there a web interface to configure the router or do i need to install any packages


Hey xboxer21,

You got me in a load of trouble. Don't implicate me! I was only trying to help.

Anyway, that's my problem. Yours are:

1) Via web, you're supposed to flash the .bin. That's fine.
2) You should be able to make changes to /etc/config/network. It's not in /rom/, it's generated by a script. It should be editable.
3) There is no webif for Kamikaze. In a few months, there might be. Don't hold your breath.

So, just learn Linux. I guess that's all you can do.

Good luck,

- Yasha

P.S. If you did something wrong, it would be "AAAH!! I GET A KERNEL PANIC ON MY SERIAL CONSOLE!!" , not "I can't edit a file." That's veeeery minor compared to a "broken" install. (I've gotten kernel panics with my images. They're not very good. For best results, compile your own.)

please don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to point fingers at you.
The router is working absolutely fine,  I have installed some packages already,
Will do more reading and learn linux smile

Thank you

The discussion might have continued from here.