I've just begun using this integrated VDSL2 modem and router with 5x Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11n and 802.11ac wireless, 2x VoIP ports, 2x USB2 ports with optional USB2 cellular modem WAN backup integrated access device. The F1000 is a VMG8324 branded with custom firmware for the Irish ISP Eircom's eFibre (VDSL) service.
It is based on a Broadcom BCM63168 dual-core MIPS32 chip-set. There are two DSL model variations: the model suffix "-B10A" is for PSTN and "-B30A" is for ISDN. The VMG8324 is single-band WiFi 802.11n with 2x2 MIMO. The VMG8924 is dual-band with the addition of 802.11ac 3x3 MIMO.
The firmware uses Broadcom CFE, Linux 2.6.30, and many popular F/OSS applications.
I'm exploring whether it is/will be possible to port OpenWRT to the device or whether there is a more appropriate project.
I obtained an F1000 and replaced the firmware with the stock Zyxel firmware. I've detailed my initial findings about the device on my wiki.
If working towards an OpenWrt firmware is possible I'll begin the process of putting the device details into wikidevi and figuring out the OpenWrt workflow. Tips and suggestions welcome.
(Last edited by iam_TJ on 18 Nov 2013, 18:04)