OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: rev 3417 - motion/jpeg

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello Guy's

I just checked out the lates source tree and there seem to be a fiew error with the addition of motion (3395)... the make fille is looking for ./pakage/libjpeg (and it's put in package/jpeg) and then it's trying to create folder under /usr and not under ./openwrt/staging_dir_mipsel/usr/.

I dont realy know how to fix it but I tough I would at lease bring it up.


(Last edited by boboXx on 20 Mar 2006, 17:48)

Fixed; it seems nobody thought to check the patch even compiled before submitting it or checking it into SVN.


mbm wrote:

Fixed; it seems nobody thought to check the patch even compiled before submitting it or checking it into SVN.


heheh I new some one had forgoten to do something... :cP

The discussion might have continued from here.