I've written a custom program based on libusb. It works fine on my laptop (running gentoo linux), but my goal is to make it work on my asus wl-500g Deluxe.
I'm trying to cross-compile it, but it doesn't work, because i'm not that good at cross-compiling and writing Makefiles. I'm learning...
The compile line in my Makefile looks like:
readusb: usb2.c
$(COMPILE_PATH)mipsel-linux-uclibc-gcc -I $(LIB_PATH) -I $(INCLUDE_PATH) -O2 -Wall -o readusb usb2.c -L$(LIB_PATH) -lusb
where :
INCLUDE_PATH is [...]/openwrt/staging_dir_mipsel/include/
LIB_PATH is [...]/openwrt/build_mipsel/libusb-0.1.10a/
I did this because my program includes <usb.h> which is in LIB_PATH, and {<time.h>, <stdio.h>, ...}, which are in the standard include path.
I'm getting the error (edited after farnz's reply):
[...]/openwrt/staging_dir_mipsel/lib/gcc/mipsel-linux-uclibc/3.4.4/../../../../mipsel-linux-uclibc/bin/ld : cannot find -lusb
Could you please point me out what i am doing wrong?
(Last edited by laurentgedm on 24 Mar 2006, 16:09)