Hello, what about hg658v2.
needed other tool for decrypt config files.
i put here some files https://hg658c.wordpress.com/2015/03/17 … onfigtool/
(Last edited by cornelus2009 on 18 Sep 2017, 20:35)
The content of this topic has been archived between 23 Apr 2018 and 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Hello, what about hg658v2.
needed other tool for decrypt config files.
i put here some files https://hg658c.wordpress.com/2015/03/17 … onfigtool/
(Last edited by cornelus2009 on 18 Sep 2017, 20:35)
Hi, if anyone interested, this is the pinout for the BCM63168 SoC
https://wiki.openwrt.org/_media/media/d … pinout.png
As we can see the pull down resistor to activate the SPI flash boot is at GPIO21. Therefore it should be a piece of cake to locate it by toggling this GPIO and looking for the point on the board that changes the state, i.e using the blink script
https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/hardware/p … ript_blink
Using a led (with a 200 ohm series resistor) or a voltimeter we can monitor the state of any pad on the board to locate the SPI/NAND boot strap.
This way we can solder an SPI flash chip with CFE at offset 0x0 to boot from it. The idea is to get rid of the NAND flash chip, and use an SPI flash, this way to load Openwrt should be possible. And as an extra, recovering a bricked board caused by a bad flashing on the NAND chip should be possible as well (assuming we added NAND flash support into the Openwrt firmware).
did anyone get wrt running on their HG658 ?
as I am swapping ISP no longer need to keep my locked modem as backup ,
so if there's anything I should do with it before I brick it let me know
Product type HG658
Device ID 00E0FC-E7P7S15C07007766
Hardware version HG658BZV VER.A
Software version V100R001C216B015
Batch number BC216P0.015.A2pv6F039e.d24a
MAC Address 48:DB:50:DC:3A:9F
(Last edited by MasterCATZ on 14 Nov 2017, 08:43)
Any update on this router and its' NAND chip? It's certainly special.
The discussion might have continued from here.