Hey all,

Trying to debrick an Zyxel P-2601HN-F1 using the serial connection. Have the connection, got logged in and have debug access but I seem to be unable to actually get the thing unbricked.

I've done as followed:

1. connect to the serial connection with a baud rate of 115200

Which gets me the following info.

ROM VER: 1.รน                                                                    
ROM VER: 1.1.3                                                                  
CFG 01                                                                          
U-Boot 1.1.5-ARX182 1.1.8(May  7 2010)                                          
Boot from NOR flash                                                             
AR9 BOARD                                                                       
CLOCK CPU 333M RAM 166M                                                         
DRAM:  64 MB                                                                    
 relocate_code start                                                            
 relocate_code finish.                                                          
Flash: 16 MB                                                                    
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment                                
In:    serial                                                                   
Out:   serial                                                                   
Err:   serial                                                                   
switch chip id=0000ffff                                                         
switch chip id=0000ffff                                                         
amazon_s Switch                                                                 
## Executing script at b001f400                                                 
Z-Boot Autoscript file                                                          
## Starting application at 0x82A80000 ...                                       
Protected 1 sectors                                                             
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0                                                 
MRD_CERT_1 check =0                                                             
MRD_CERT_2 check =0                                                             
wrong hdrChksum                                                                 
all FW images are wrong!!!                                                      

Stopping autoboot gets me here:

ZHAL> ls                                                                        
ATBT    x         block0 write enable (1=enable, other=disable)                 
ATWM    x         set MAC address in working buffer                             
ATEN    x,(y)     set BootExtension Debug Flag (y=password)                     
ATSE              show the seed of password generator                           
ATWZ    a(,b,c)   write ZyXEL MAC addr, Country code, EngDbgFlag                
ATCB              copy from FLASH ROM to working buffer                         
ATCL              clear working buffer                                          
ATSB              save working buffer to FLASH ROM                              
ATBU              dump manufacturer related data in working buffer              
ATSH              dump manufacturer related data in ROM                         
ATCO    x         set country code in working buffer                            
ATFL    x         set EngDebugFlag in working buffer                            
ATVD    x         set vendor name in working buffer                             
ATPN    x         set product name in working buffer                            
ATFE    x,y,...   set feature bits in working buffer                            
ATSN    x         set serial number in working buffer                           
ATTL              MRD_CERT partition utility                                    
ATGO              boot up whole system                                          
ATGU              go back to U-Boot command line mode                           
ATRT    (x,y,z,u) ATRT RAM read/write test (x=level, y=start addr, z=end addr, u
ATUR    x,y       upgrade RAS image (imgAddr, filename)                         
ATUB    x,y       upgrade ZyU-Boot image (imgAddr, filename)                    
ATWH    x         write HW version                                              
ATHV    x         set HW version in working buffer                              

I use the following command to unable protected functions. (pw depends on the mac address)
ATEN 1,10F0A563

ATSH gives me the following:

wrong hdrChksum                                                                 
No RAS!!!   


boot_params = 0x82B3FFB0                                                        
memstart    = 0x80000000                                                        
memsize     = 0x04000000                                                        
flashstart  = 0xB0000000                                                        
flashsize   = 0x01000000                                                        
flashoffset = 0x00000000                                                        
ethaddr     = 40:4A:03:FD:AF:30                                                 
ip_addr     =                                                       
baudrate    = 115200 bps   

Now to solve this I have tried to upgrade the RAS using the ATUR command, this does not work and it crashes on the same problem.

I also tried to do the same from the u-boot command line mode. (tftpboot image, and boot from memory) this gave me bad magic nr errors. Possibly I screwed this process up..  The image did arrive as requested via tftp but apparently it did not work.

Anyone have an idea as to how I can unbrick this thing?

regards and thnx.

(Last edited by prittweed on 4 Apr 2014, 14:57)