I went to Kaloz latest image dated March 31, and I bricked my router. I am back up again, and using the trunk image and it says: r45157
For me, everything has been "great" overall with wifi performance for well over a week. Before that, it was "good/ok" since the end of February.
Whatever updates that were released around March 20th seemed to help the overall performance.
I think I am at at point where I am just going to leave it on and see how stable it really is.
I did have one more question. In luci, under Network, Wifi, the General Setup tab(2.4Ghz), why does it not show the mode or channel? It seems to display it in the status graphic above. It does show everything in the 5Ghz radio.
Could it be that the changes I made to \etc\config\wireless are not supported in LUCI?
Thanks for your development work.