OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Update on Linksys WRT1900AC support

The content of this topic has been archived between 16 Sep 2014 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

So, about to revert to linksys, and then install 45222.  Although the below gave me a little pause.  Since I'm not installing luci-app-sqm I guess its fine, any other problems?  I noticed the size is only 5megs?  The linksys original firmware was 25Megs and the AA1.0.8 was 23Megs?  Is that all because of Luci only?

DavidMcWRT wrote:

Tried the latest trunk now myself....
Still seeing this on installing luci-app-sqm though:

RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported   
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
We have an error talking to the kernel

Just curious, does Openwrt support beamforcing, something Linksys has been advertising on. Though the range is better than my previous e4200 , I still see dead spots within 30 ft probably because I have two walls in between.

Sachin Gopal

Morning guys!

Since no one mentioned it, I assume people haven't seen that the mwlwifi driver got a few updates yesterday.

Anyone interested feel free to check the link bellow smile

Hope the changes get pushed to trunk soon so we can test.

LE: also, seems there's a new driver version ( that will come out (hopefully soon)

(Last edited by Nihilanth on 3 Apr 2015, 10:45)

Link Satonaka wrote:
grimley wrote:
Link Satonaka wrote:

I've been keeping up with the nightly trunk for the last 3 days.

My upload speed has been 0.20mbps, which is 100 times slower than it should be D:

LAN<->WAN performance is terrible, and LAN<->LAN equally so.

Anyone else having this problem? I'm new to openwrt, I may have made some elementary mistake.

Is it possible you are using the incorrect build (for the WRT1900ac I presume)?
Should be armada-xp-mamba.

Yes, I am using armada xp mamba.

Edit- I'm beginnig to suspect the issue is hardware (may have damaged cables when changing routers). I'll report back later.

That's worth noting. I was using generic cables (some of which I suspect were giving me trouble). Have since upgraded to CAT6.

(Last edited by grimley on 3 Apr 2015, 11:52)

i used nitroshift's own firmware image based on rc6 with latest wifi driver additions located on Onedrive. i haven't had a chance to test it yet but i did have a problem accessing my external drive.

when i mounted /dev/sda there was no option in the filesystem box for ntfs.

how do i add support for ntfs?

i am using Firmware Version OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45214 / LuCI (git-15.090.50849-576e235) 
Kernel Version 4.0.0-rc6  (Mamba)

on my windows 7 box when i type \\ into my file browser i can see Backups displayed but i can't access it so i think i've mounted and network shared it correctly - i just need ntfs support.

thank you

l3333 wrote:
ethereal wrote:

i used nitroshift's own firmware image based on rc6 with latest wifi driver additions located on Onedrive. i haven't had a chance to test it yet but i did have a problem accessing my external drive.

when i mounted /dev/sda there was no option in the filesystem box for ntfs.

how do i add support for ntfs?

i am using Firmware Version OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45214 / LuCI (git-15.090.50849-576e235) 
Kernel Version 4.0.0-rc6  (Mamba)

on my windows 7 box when i type \\ into my file browser i can see Backups displayed but i can't access it so i think i've mounted and network shared it correctly - i just need ntfs support.

thank you

I guess you need to install kmod-fs-ntfs module

These are the packages that are installed

Remove kmod-fs-exportfs 4.0-rc6-1
Remove kmod-fs-ext4 4.0-rc6-1
Remove kmod-fs-nfs 4.0-rc6-1
Remove kmod-fs-nfs-common 4.0-rc6-1
Remove kmod-fs-nfsd 4.0-rc6-1

These are the available packages

Install kmod-fs-exportfs 4.0-rc6-1 
Install kmod-fs-ext4 4.0-rc6-1 
Install kmod-fs-nfs 4.0-rc6-1 
Install kmod-fs-nfs-common 4.0-rc6-1 
Install kmod-fs-nfsd 4.0-rc6-1

no ntfs - is this because i am on kernel 4.0 ?

should i go back to kernel 3 ?

thanks for your reply


I didn't need kernel 4 - i was just trying it out. i decided to go back to kernel 3, i read somewhere to flash to stock first so i flashed to the latest linksys firmware.

Now the 3 wired computers do not have a connection and could not connect to

luckily i checked my laptop and i have internet connection and i can connect to the linksys smartwi-fi - so it seems that wired broken, wireless good. should i try to flash again (which firmware linksys or openwrt) ?

the lan on my laptop is broken so the only way to flash is using the wireless is that safe ?

l3333 wrote:
ethereal wrote:


I didn't need kernel 4 - i was just trying it out. i decided to go back to kernel 3, i read somewhere to flash to stock first so i flashed to the latest linksys firmware.

Now the 3 wired computers do not have a connection and could not connect to

luckily i checked my laptop and i have internet connection and i can connect to the linksys smartwi-fi - so it seems that wired broken, wireless good. should i try to flash again (which firmware linksys or openwrt) ?

the lan on my laptop is broken so the only way to flash is using the wireless is that safe ?

You may try to just restart the router and your computer's lan interface to connect.

thanks i powered down the router and started it again all is good - i think i will flash to kernel 3 now

i flashed to Kaloz snapshot and it seemed to go well.

when i type it says index of instead of showing luci.

i think it was yesterday i was able to install luci by telnetting in.

this time i get an error - connecting to could not open connection to the host, on port 23: connection failed

how do i install luci or configure the router and why can't i telnet in ?

l3333 wrote:
ethereal wrote:

i flashed to Kaloz snapshot and it seemed to go well.

when i type it says index of instead of showing luci.

i think it was yesterday i was able to install luci by telnetting in.

this time i get an error - connecting to could not open connection to the host, on port 23: connection failed

how do i install luci or configure the router and why can't i telnet in ?

Use port 22. Clear your browser's cache.

port 22 kind of worked

it displayed SSH-2.0-dropbear_2014.65 and lots of gobildygook it didn't have a command promt for me to install things.

yesterday i gave the router a password do you think it remembered this and has disabled telnet ?

okay - i was able to to use putty to connect using ssh - how do i install luci ?

(Last edited by ethereal on 3 Apr 2015, 15:11)

l3333 wrote:


alirz wrote:


I know you had built a custom image for me few days ago but at that time there was something wrong with the repo and some packages were not installable with some others also had pointed out. Well that is now fixed in the current r45222 build.

i was just wondering that if you ever feel like making another custom build with the following packages i would really appreciate that. I promise im asking for the last time.  Thank you


Under the link is r45250 3.18 with the packages you've requested. … =folder%2c


Thank you very much. I'll give this a try now.
i know beggars cant be choosers but just wondering why kernel 3.1.8 ?  smile  Just wondering. Compatibility issue with the new kernel?

(Last edited by alirz on 3 Apr 2015, 15:18)

l3333 wrote:

opkg update
opkg install luci-ssl

thank you - i had tried

opkg update - this gave a couple of errors
opkg install luci - this didn't work

opkg install luci-ssl - works

do i need to type ?

/etc/init.d/uhttpd start
/etc/init.d/uhttpd enable

or am i good to go ?

i assume the settings are kept separate from the images because everything is already setup, even after flashing twice

What a dummy i found the keep settings checkbox

(Last edited by ethereal on 3 Apr 2015, 15:50)

trying to install kmod-fs-ntfs

Model Linksys WRT1900AC (Mamba)
Firmware Version OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45195 / LuCI (git-15.090.50849-576e235) 
Kernel Version 3.18.10

Installing kmod-fs-ntfs (3.18.10-1) to root...
Downloading … mvebu.ipk.

Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-fs-ntfs:
*     kernel (= 3.18.10-1-b26ff9a6fed1ad496627574cb301d46b) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-fs-ntfs.

can anybody help ?

l3333 wrote:


Sorry, I thought you needed 3.18. I'll recompile 4th a bit later.

Hey no problem man...The only reason i asked was, i thought wifi was faster in 4.0 ?
Anyways, i just tried the custom image you gave me., Freakin PERFECT!!!!  Thank you so much.

Whats your say on 4.0 kernel?

(Last edited by alirz on 3 Apr 2015, 15:39)

just jumped to the latest trunk:

Firmware Version OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45230 / LuCI (git-15.090.50849-576e235) 
Kernel Version 3.18.10
Local Time Fri Apr 3 11:05:04 2015
Uptime 0h 1m 26s
Load Average 0.51, 0.21, 0.07

Noticed a huge difference in speed at r45222. 

Uploading the sysupgrade tar to the router takes less then 2 sec now, where prior to r45222 it would take about 10 sec.

The sysupgrade itself as well as package installs are faster as well


l3333 wrote:


alirz wrote:
l3333 wrote:


Sorry, I thought you needed 3.18. I'll recompile 4th a bit later.

Hey no problem man...The only reason i asked was, i thought wifi was faster in 4.0 ?
Anyways, i just tried the custom image you gave me., Freakin PERFECT!!!!  Thank you so much.

Whats your say on 4.0 kernel?

The 4.0th with your packages is there … wQMHQp59Ow

once again thank you.

l3333 wrote:


I'm using 4.0 now.  Can't give you any advice. You may want to try the image I've built for you.

Thanks a lot - i didn't realize when i first read your post that you had built an image for for - what a guy/girl

i'll test it after i get back from the park

alirz wrote:
l3333 wrote:


alirz wrote:

Hey no problem man...The only reason i asked was, i thought wifi was faster in 4.0 ?
Anyways, i just tried the custom image you gave me., Freakin PERFECT!!!!  Thank you so much.

Whats your say on 4.0 kernel?

The 4.0th with your packages is there … wQMHQp59Ow

once again thank you.

Well dangit...I always go from stock linksys to CC. But this time around i was running the custom image by @I3333 kernel 3.1.8 and decided to take a risk and flash the rc6 4.0 custom image directly without going to linksys. i unchecked "keep settings".
Flashed the image, and bricked the router!!!!!

Lesson learned? = Force yourself to always go to stock Linksys first despite the urge of being lazy!

I cant seem to install "kmod-fs-ntfs" or "kmod-fs-vfat"  on 3.18.10. Getting the usual kernel message

Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-fs-ntfs:
*     kernel (= 3.18.10-1-b26ff9a6fed1ad496627574cb301d46b) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-fs-ntfs.

l3333 wrote:
alirz wrote:

Well dangit...I always go from stock linksys to CC. But this time around i was running the custom image by @I3333 kernel 3.1.8 and decided to take a risk and flash the rc6 4.0 custom image directly without going to linksys. i unchecked "keep settings".
Flashed the image, and bricked the router!!!!!

Lesson learned? = Force yourself to always go to stock Linksys first despite the urge of being lazy!

You can try to use reset button then connect to It did work with the latest builds. Luci should work as well with the blank password after reset.

The reset button had no affect on the router..Solid power light after 3 seconds of power on.. tried the 3 turn on/on but no luck!!Good that, that was my testing router and not my main wrt...

l3333 wrote:
alirz wrote:

I cant seem to install "kmod-fs-ntfs" or "kmod-fs-vfat"  on 3.18.10. Getting the usual kernel message

Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-fs-ntfs:
*     kernel (= 3.18.10-1-b26ff9a6fed1ad496627574cb301d46b) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-fs-ntfs.

Do you need those on my builds? If so give me the list of the missing ones I'll recompile it right away.

Thank you for your offer but i think im ok. In any case, any reason why im not simply able to install "kmod-fs-ntfs" or "kmod-fs-vfat" the  from the repo? Is it not 3.18.10 compatible?

Could you simply provide me with the ipk for those two if you have them for kernel 3.18.10. Thanks

l3333 wrote:
alirz wrote:
l3333 wrote:

Do you need those on my builds? If so give me the list of the missing ones I'll recompile it right away.

Thank you for your offer but i think im ok. In any case, any reason why im not simply able to install "kmod-fs-ntfs" or "kmod-fs-vfat" the  from the repo? Is it not 3.18.10 compatible?

Could you simply provide me with the ipk for those two if you have them for kernel 3.18.10. Thanks

I have no idea why there is something with dependencies. @ethereal was complaining today about the same. When compiling it's OK. It takes me 30 seconds to recompile. smile

hmm I see.  You're very kind thanks. So i will request another rebuild then and just to get everything out of the way, i''ll add like 3 more packages. So the full list would be.

Kernel 3.18.x


Those are all the packages i will ever need smile. If it also takes you 30 seconds to compile both kernel 3.x and 4.0. may i request both ?

l3333 wrote:


please check 3.18

and 4.0

Got them. Thanks..I assume the file names appended with "python-pip" is just for your own reference only?
So in reality there's no specific reason for 4.0 to brick the router right?
My last attempt was going directly from 3.1.8 CC to 4 which probably bricked it, without going to linksys fw first?

(Last edited by alirz on 3 Apr 2015, 19:12)


i flashed the image you made for me and mounted the external hdd

device           mount point  filesystem      options    root   check

/dev/sda         /Backups         ntfs            default      no      no

and shared a directory

name           path         allowed users    read-only  allow guests    create mask   directory mask

Backups     /Backups                                               Checked

in windows network i see OpenWrt - double click and i see Backups folder - Double click that and i get network name cannot be found. if i right click the backups folder in windows and hit the network tab - i get the message the server OPENWRT does not accept remote requests. i don't know if that is a generic warning or the root of my problem


You need to modify the file smb.conf located in /etc/samba from security = user to security = share and restart samba (/etc/init.d/samba restart)


(Last edited by nitroshift on 3 Apr 2015, 20:23)