nyt wrote:So I have their latest barrier breaker build compiled, I'll test sometime soon when I have time. Seems feeds.conf.default needed some love.
-rw-r--r-- 1 nyt users 16777216 Aug 26 00:16 openwrt-mvebu-mamba-jffs2-128k.img
$ cat feeds.conf.default
src-git packages git://git.openwrt.org/packages.git
src-git packages2 https://github.com/openwrt/packages.git
src-git luci git://nbd.name/luci.git
src-git routing git://github.com/openwrt-routing/packages.git
src-git telephony http://feeds.openwrt.nanl.de/openwrt/telephony.git
I was able to compile Barrier Breaker tag v4.8 with the open source wifi driver using your package entries and a modification to the feeds update.sh script.
#src-git packages git://git.openwrt.org/packages.git
#src-git luci git://nbd.name/luci.git
#src-git routing git://github.com/openwrt-routing/packages.git
#src-git telephony http://feeds.openwrt.nanl.de/openwrt/telephony.git
src-git packages git://git.openwrt.org/packages.git
src-git packages2 https://github.com/openwrt/packages.git
src-git luci git://nbd.name/luci.git
src-git routing git://github.com/openwrt-routing/packages.git
src-git telephony http://feeds.openwrt.nanl.de/openwrt/telephony.git
#src-svn xwrt http://x-wrt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/package
#src-svn phone svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/phone
#src-svn efl svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/efl
#src-svn xorg svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/xorg
#src-svn desktop svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/desktop
#src-svn xfce svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/xfce
#src-svn lxde svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/lxde
#src-link custom /usr/src/openwrt/custom-feed
./scripts/feeds update packages
./scripts/feeds update luci
./scripts/feeds update routing
#./scripts/feeds update xwrt
./scripts/feeds update packages2
./scripts/feeds update telephony
#./scripts/feeds update alljoyn
#./scripts/feeds update wl500g
#./scripts/feeds update mediawrt
#./scripts/feeds update addpack
#./scripts/feeds update meshbox
#./scripts/feeds update external
./scripts/feeds install -a -p packages
./scripts/feeds install -a -p luci
./scripts/feeds install -a -p routing
./scripts/feeds install -a -p packages2
./scripts/feeds install -a -p telephony
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p xwrt
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p alljoyn
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p wl500g
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p mediawrt
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p addpack
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p meshbox
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p external
#./scripts/feeds update fon
#./scripts/feeds install -a -p fon
I discovered in this BB version the open source wifi driver doesn't work but it does compile. More config work and investigation will be needed to get the open source wifi driver to fire up on this version. Also the existing binary ap8x.ko is located in two packages marvellac and mrvl_wlan_v7drv. So just choosing to not build marvellac is not enough to keep the binary driver from being used.