Kaloz wrote:1. People either prefer this forum or that one, as a lot of people hate that layout and/or the amount of eye candies - the number of common users are fairly minimal.
2. I doubt I have to explain why I don't want to close something just because you believe I should. Content here is created and used in the way people want. If people prefer to create separate threads, they'll do that, if not, they won't.
You should never police a community based on your beliefs.
This isn't about my beliefs or opinions, but about common sense and facts. What I stated above were facts, and you're more than capable of fact checking the information in my above post.
As to the LEDE forum, I'll let facts speak for themselves that this thread has seen minimal activity in 3 months (29 posts), whereas the WRT AC Series threads on the LEDE forum have seen activity almost every day.
Then again, too many these days seem to confuse facts as opinions and opinions as facts...
Also, most don't prefer this forum or this forum's software, with 90% preferring LEDE''s Discourse forum software to OpenWrt's ancient PunBB configuration... seriously, forum search is pretty basic stuff and to have it lacking due to an ancient PunBB configuration is... absurd <=== that's an opinion.
The fact this forum lacks thread search is not some oversight, but a deliberate, conscious decision by the maintainer of this forum, as this is not a new complaint or suggestion but one that has been repeatedly echoed by users for years. If you don't like the constructive criticism, perhaps one should consider fixing the issue.
(Last edited by JW0914 on 18 Feb 2018, 19:53)