Someone said here that there is a place for a second usb port. Do you think it could be possible to add this?
Topic: Openwrt support for Huawei HG655b
The content of this topic has been archived between 12 Mar 2018 and 5 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.
I am using the latest firmware posted by danitool (14.07 with new drivers) and the wireless drops after some time (It's still active but I can't connect / internet isn't working at all, can't even ping the router).
Any idea how to fix this?
I posted everything I could think of here: https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=57280
I am using the latest firmware posted by danitool (14.07 with new drivers) and the wireless drops after some time (It's still active but I can't connect / internet isn't working at all, can't even ping the router).
Any idea how to fix this?
I posted everything I could think of here: https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=57280
I am having the same issue. Wifi calibration data seems to be OK. Earlier the wifi driver crashed.But I cannot see any crashes in newer builds. So no clue about the wifi signal loss.
No sign of danitool... I wander if he succeeded in updating the official support for hg655b in openwrt trunk.
By the way... the reflow with the hairdryer didn't work for my wifi chip. Anything else works.
(Last edited by fratzicu on 19 May 2015, 21:25)
No sign of danitool... I wonder if he succeeded in updating the official support for hg655b in openwrt trunk.
Are there plans to support this device in the trunk? and maybe the image generator?
Yes, this was the last message of danitool; I think he works on it.
Yesterday I saw in the changelist something mentioned about supporting the HG655b officially in trunk now. There is also a snapshot image in the trunk section. So it means that there is still progress.
The only thing is. I have the dutch HG655x aka HG655d so with the restricted bootloader. I will solder myself a jtag cable and see if I can flash the other bootloader after I made a backup. But if im correct the HG655b or HG655x images are ccompatible with the HG655d too right? Atleast they share thesame hardware.
(Last edited by Timeless on 23 May 2015, 12:28)
Another thing. The WiFi antennas are they on the pcb itself or are they connected through a wire? I've not yet opened mine. But I would like to order some sma connectors if it is possable to solder a coax cable to the pcb. And how many antannas are in this device.
The HG655b is officially supported since r45708. (Internal xDSL isn't supported). Currently there are trunk firmwares available at Openwrt website:
https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots … fs-cfe.bin
The firmware is also valid for the HG655d, but the CFE in this device rejects to flash this Openwrt firmware. Flashing Openwrt in the HG655d can be done via replacing CFE using a JTAG cable.
AFAIK the router has 2 onboard antennas, one of them is wired with a coax cable at the back of the router
http://wiki.openwrt.org/_media/media/to … board2.jpg
Yeah I've noticed that on page 10 is a detailed description on how to flash another CFE with jtag. So im going to give that a try.
about the antenna, if one is connected trough a coax cable means that it can be soldered to a SMA I quess. But on the picture I only see a coax cable from one side of the board to the other.
the pictures are unclear on my phone. So I cannot see it that detailed.
(Last edited by Timeless on 24 May 2015, 13:00)
Extra notes on the HG655m.
The HG655m unfortunately has no OEM firmware upgrade images available anywhere on the internet (a dump from an existing unit would be very welcome, please talk to https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=50207 if you are interested in doing this!), however the unit appears to accept OEM firmware images for other models and mostly work despite the lack of a Wifi unit, half the RAM and of course the LEDs no longer match up. Just remember to write the image twice to work around the dual boot feature.
Hi Guys,
I dumped out the original FW image of my HG665d. PM if you guys need it.
I flashed my HG655d unit with the Bootloader of the HG655b. and it accepted the OpenWRT firmware this time. After flashing OpenWRT I flashed my original bootloader back to the unit and it still boots with all its functionality.
So the original HG655d bootloader does boot OpenWRT correctly. But another thing. when I want to flash a new image to the unit the original HG655d CFE will not accept the OpenWRT image ofc. So is it possible to flash it tough luci or SSH instead? I guess I need the Sysupgrade images for that right? but these are not in the Trunk section for any brcm63xxx device. Is it normal to flash these kind of devices trough the CFE or something?
Or can I generate Sysupgrade images with the image-generator now? since the HG655b is now supported in Trunk?
(Last edited by Timeless on 28 May 2015, 21:36)
CFE firmwares are also valid for sysupgrade via Luci
Ok great to know, Thanks for the amazing work so far! I will generate my own images tomorrow and see if they work.
Another thing. Last time I mentioned that I was going to solder/plug a external SMA to this unit. And since I had to open the case to flash it with JTaG I took some time to follow all the traces with my multimeter. And it seems that those squares of each side of the board are the internal PCB antennas. So removing the present Coax-cable and solder that one to a external SMA shouldn't be such of a problem. But the other one is connected directly to the PCB antenna trace(square) so I need to find out where to interrupt the signal so I can solder a Coax cable to it.
There are also some Pigtail connectors which show some similarities with a U.FL connection but then reversed. It could also be a MMCX connector but I never had one of those in my own hands only saw them op pictures. But after all I guess these connectors are only there for calibration purposes. And need some resistors removed to be actually usable. Otherwise the power of the Wireless chipset is simply shared (to the antenna with the least amount of resistance) between the Internal and External SMA antenna.
So if anyone has tips. please feel free to share.
Oh... and I also added a small 1cmx1cm heatsink to the wireless chipset. I've seen multiple posts about failing chipsets due heat. So I hope it doesn't happen to this unit anymore .
Hi, danitool,
Was the gpio info for the wifi given in time for the trunk support?
What version should we use? generic or smp?
I am curious if the mac address is properly read by the openwrt firmware now.
(Last edited by fratzicu on 30 May 2015, 12:25)
Hello, I have the hg655 from Clicknet/RomTembelFon. Just flashed the trunk smp and generic firmware and nothing happens. The Power led stays on, but all the others are off. No network conectivity, no ip, no arp request. I don't have a serial cable to debug.
I used the wiki instructions to flash: press reset, remove power wait, insert power, unpress preset, then went on to and uploaded bin file. The router rebooted aaand it's dead. Tried with both smp and generic packages....
Any ideas? 10x, Gigi din Berceni
Have you tried a static ip. The trunk image is very limited. No luci for example. You have to telnet the router to see if it is working. Also notice the LAN leds. If they stay on then the bootloader is stuck, or do they even light up when you start the router?. The openwrt image does not use the LAN leds by default
(Last edited by Timeless on 30 May 2015, 19:24)
Have you tried a static ip. The trunk image is very limited. No luci for example. You have to telnet the router to see if it is working. Also notice the LAN leds. If they stay on then the bootloader is stuck. The openwrt image does not use the LAN leds by default
Hey, meanwhile I installed the latest firmware from danitool and it boots ok. Loaded Luci and it-s ok. I don't know how to configure leds for la ports 1-4. I can configure one led for an interface but not for a port....
Hi, Gigi
You could try again. I just tried my own compiled image from trunk/smp.
The steps are:
- plug out the device
- make sure the power button is off
- plug in the device
- press tre reset hole with an unfolded paperclip or pin and keep it pressed
- power on the device from the power button
- wait until (in my case) the power led goes off
- set your computer to static IP and netmask (or /24)
- connect a lan cable to the LAN1 plug of the device. For direct connection to your computer you could need a cross-over cable, although it may work also with direct cable (the device may detect the correct wiring, I didn't test). If you connect through a switch there is no problem.
- open your browser and connect to you should see the web interface of the device's CFE. Choos your file (squashfs type). press upgrade
- you have to wait quite a time, 2 to 5 minutes. in my case it took I think around 3 minutes. you can check if you keep pinging
after that connect again to and luci should work.
you can try my image here
https://app.box.com/s/aojif6op2gyxjcw8ln0q6ssx8mcjrum5 (openwrt-brcm63xx-smp-HG655b-squashfs-cfe.bin)
in this folder
(Last edited by fratzicu on 30 May 2015, 19:49)
Hi, danitool,
Was the gpio info for the wifi given in time for the trunk support?
What version should we use? generic or smp?
I am curious if the mac address is properly read by the openwrt firmware now.
The gpio for the wifi was added, however it hasn't any action asigned, it must be configured by the user.
You should use the SMP firmwares, the performance will be better with this firmware. But SMP trunk firmwares may fail depending on the version.
About the mac address AFAIK there wasn't any problem with it, it should be correctly read.
I also noticed that the Red Voip led gpio is not assigned. Is this true?
I don't know were to post, I hope this is the right spot...
Greetings from Athens.
I am working on a Netgear DG834gt for 1 year almost. I have modded a usb, changed the ram from 16MB to 32, and the flash chip from 4MB to 8. I downloaded the compiling tool also for the cfe(very nice indeed)!
My problem now is that with the 8MB flash the board cannot POST. CFE enters in a restarting loop. The same cfe on a 4MB router works very nice!!!
I have attached serial logs for help. I have also attached JTAG logs as well. Netgear's initial cfe(1.0.37-5.11) cannot recognize the 8MB flash id and enters in a restart loop as well.
Could you please give some help? I have studied the last 2 days many .c files from the cfe builder code but I did not find any solution.
Thanks in advance.
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2015.05.25 11:35:03 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
CFE version 1.0.37-6.4 for BCM96348 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: Sun May 24 02:45:22 EEST 2015 (root@drchris)
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Broadcom Corporation.
Boot Address 0xbfc00000
Initializing Arena.
Initializing Devices.
Parallel flash device: name MX29LV640BT, id 0x22c9, size 8192KB
**Exception 8: EPC=00000000, Cause=00000000 (Interrupt)
RA=54333956, VAddr=32394C56
0 ($00) = 00000000 AT ($01) = 00000000
v0 ($02) = 00000000 v1 ($03) = 32394C56
a0 ($04) = 80524A20 a1 ($05) = 00000000
a2 ($06) = 0000FFFF a3 ($07) = 8041A2F8
t0 ($08) = 0000FFFF t1 ($09) = 8041A2F8
t2 ($10) = 00000000 t3 ($11) = 32394C56
t4 ($12) = 42000000 t5 ($13) = 6C6C656C
t6 ($14) = 73682064 t7 ($15) = 653A206E
s0 ($16) = 4D583239 s1 ($17) = 3042542C
s2 ($18) = 30783232 s3 ($19) = 73697A65
s4 ($20) = 324B420A s5 ($21) = 00000000
s6 ($22) = 00000000 s7 ($23) = 32394C56
t8 ($24) = 54000000 t9 ($25) = 00000000
k0 ($26) = 00000000 k1 ($27) = 32394C56
gp ($28) = 54000000 sp ($29) = 00000000
fp ($30) = 00000000 ra ($31) = 54333956
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2015.05.27 05:55:21 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
CFE version 1.0.37-6.4 for BCM96348 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: Tue May 26 23:42:09 EEST 2015 (drchris@drchris)
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Broadcom Corporation.
Boot Address 0xbfc00000
Initializing Arena.
Initializing Devices.
Parallel flash device: name MX29LV320AB, id 0x22a8, size 4096KB
** Image information not found. **
CPU type 0x29107: 256MHz, Bus: 128MHz, Ref: 32MHz
Total memory: 33554432 bytes (32MB)
Total memory used by CFE: 0x80401000 - 0x80524E30 (1195568)
Initialized Data: 0x8041C660 - 0x8041E550 (7920)
BSS Area: 0x8041E550 - 0x80422E30 (18656)
Local Heap: 0x80422E30 - 0x80522E30 (1048576)
Stack Area: 0x80522E30 - 0x80524E30 (8192)
Text (code) segment: 0x80401000 - 0x8041C658 (112216)
Boot area (physical): 0x00525000 - 0x00565000
Relocation Factor: I:00000000 - D:00000000
Board IP address :
Host IP address :
Gateway IP address :
Run from flash/host (f/h) : f
Default host run file name : vmlinux
Default host flash file name : bcm963xx_fs_kernel
Boot delay (0-9 seconds) : 1
Board Id Name : 96348GW-10
Psi size in KB : 24
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32) : 2
Base MAC Address : 00:18:4d:64:9c:8e
Ethernet PHY Type : Internal
Memory size in MB : 32
CMT Thread Number : 0
web info: Waiting for connection on socket 0.[J
Telsey MAGIC EJTAG Debrick Utility v0.9beta2
Probing bus ... Done
Instruction Length set to 5
CPU Chip ID: 00000110001101001000000101111111 (0634817F)
*** Found a Broadcom BCM6348 Rev 1 CPU chip ***
- EJTAG IMPCODE ....... : 00000000100000000000100100000100 (00800904)
- EJTAG Version ....... : 1 or 2.0
- EJTAG DMA Support ... : Yes
Issuing Processor / Peripheral Reset ... Done
Enabling Memory Writes ... Done
Halting Processor ... <Processor Entered Debug Mode!> ... Done
Clearing Watchdog ... Done
Probing Flash at (Flash Window: 0x1fc00000) ... Done
Flash Vendor ID: 00000000000000000000000011000010 (000000C2)
Flash Device ID: 00000000000000000010001011001001 (000022C9)
*** Found a MX29LV640T 4Mx16 TopB (8MB) Flash Chip ***
- Flash Chip Window Start .... : 1f800000
- Flash Chip Window Length ... : 00800000
- Selected Area Start ........ : 00000000
- Selected Area Length ....... : 00000000
Does anybody know how can I handle the above exceptions?
From the cfe_brcm63xx compiler I found some header files which I think call exception 8 "Syscall" /8*/
How can I take advantage of the shown registers from the ecxeption 8 log?
Could this be resolved by searching another brand of 8mb flash chip?
Can someone confirm if he has a working 96348 board with a 8mb flash chip?
Thanks again.
Hi, Gigi
you can try my image here
https://app.box.com/s/aojif6op2gyxjcw8ln0q6ssx8mcjrum5 (openwrt-brcm63xx-smp-HG655b-squashfs-cfe.bin)
in this folder
Hello, I have it working, thanks for your firmware. I like that it's packed with all the packages like openvpn or print server. However, there are some other packages I wanted to install and I can't do it, neither form luci nor from ssh.
opkg update gives me this error for all update folders, signature check failed:
Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/ … ckages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_management.
Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/ … kages.sig.
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/ … ckages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/ … kages.sig, wget returned 1.
Any advice? 10x!
Does anybody know how can I handle the above exceptions?
From the cfe_brcm63xx compiler I found some header files which I think call exception 8 "Syscall" /8*/
How can I take advantage of the shown registers from the ecxeption 8 log?
Could this be resolved by searching another brand of 8mb flash chip?
Can someone confirm if he has a working 96348 board with a 8mb flash chip?
Thanks again.
Those exceptions are probably caused by the 8MB flash chip, probably the bootloader can't find itself because by default CFE can only handle 4MB size.
I succesfully booted CFE in my old Livebox with 8MB flash size, but my board uses a 8MB flash with bottom boot sectors. Your flash chip is a bit different, further work might be needed.
Can you test this bootloader?
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-EMoB … sp=sharing
(Last edited by danitool on 31 May 2015, 22:54)