I've recently got a new WRT54GS. I fairly quickly put OpenWRT on it, as I wanted more control over the box.
What I want to do is have the lan ports work for straight internet access, so that my desktops can get a public IP address from my ISP. Any wlan clients I want to get NATted addresses from the Linksys.
To do this, I did these settings in NVRAM:
nvram set lan_ifname=vlan0
nvram set wifi_ifname=eth1
nvram set wifi_proto=static
nvram set wifi_ipaddr=
nvram set wifi_netmask=
And told dnsmasq to serve only eth1. This works partly. Wlan clients get an IP address from the box, but can't ping or connect anywhere, even
Wired clients work fine, but only if I connect my ADSL box (which is a bridge) to any of the Linksys LAN ports. The WAN port doesn't work for this. It does get an IP address from my ISP, though.
So what did I do wrong? I thought this should be fairly simple.