OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: UPnP and nbd's pre-RC5 with qos-scripts

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have nbd's pre-RC5 with qos-scripts installed. I installed UPnP as per the wiki, and everything looks like it works. Azureus says it establishes the port mapping correctly etc, and if I look at iptables -L I see the mappings under FORWARD. But if I go to and ask to port scan the supposedly "open" ports, it says they're closed!

Here's the output from the upnp plugin in Azureus

[18:15:15] UPnP: root discovered =, local = /
[18:15:15]   Downloading:
[18:15:15] Relative URL base is unspecified
[18:15:15] Residential Gateway Device
[18:15:15]   desc=, control=
[18:15:15]   urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1
[18:15:15]     desc=, control=
[18:15:15]     urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1 *
[18:15:15]       desc=, control=
[18:15:15]       desc=, control=
[18:15:15]   Downloading:
[18:15:16] Device speed: down=11.92 MB/s, up=11.92 MB/s
[18:15:16]     Found WANIPConnection
[18:15:16]   Downloading:
[18:15:16]       mapping [0] 32205/UDP [Azureus UPnP 32205 UDP] ->
[18:15:16]       mapping [1] 32205/TCP [Azureus UPnP 32205 TCP] ->
[18:15:16]       mapping [2] 32255/UDP [Azureus UPnP 32255 UDP] ->
[18:15:16] Mapping UDP tracker client port (UDP/32205) already established
[18:15:16] Mapping Incoming Peer Data Port (TCP/32205) already established
[18:15:16] Mapping Distributed DB (UDP/32255) already established
[18:15:16]     Found WANPPPConnection
[18:15:16]   Downloading:
[18:15:17]       mapping [0] 32205/UDP [Azureus UPnP 32205 UDP] ->
[18:15:17]       mapping [1] 32205/TCP [Azureus UPnP 32205 TCP] ->
[18:15:17]       mapping [2] 32255/UDP [Azureus UPnP 32255 UDP] ->
[18:15:17] Mapping UDP tracker client port (UDP/32205) already established
[18:15:17] Mapping Incoming Peer Data Port (TCP/32205) already established
[18:15:17] Mapping Distributed DB (UDP/32255) already established

Type: Iptables -L

and if it's open..
it's open.

GRC is sometimes blocked.. I don't know why..
same here....
He shows ssh is disabled but I can connect it via mobile ? yikes

strange huh?

Just check it .. or ask someone...

Nmap or so

The discussion might have continued from here.